De Anza Results
El Camino Results
Gunn, Los Altos win SCVAL El Camino cross country titles (SJ Mercury News)
El Camino Results
Gunn, Los Altos win SCVAL El Camino cross country titles (SJ Mercury News)
Is there promotion/relegation between El Camino League and De Anza League for cross country? Seems like there are some strong teams in El Camino.
I am not sure how that league is broken up. Anybody?
By locality. The results have been up a while, did they get revised.
EC Division:
Do times seem a little on the slow side for some reason? Race conditions were bad maybe?
Very funny, look at WCAL times if by your definition these are slow times
The "CCS Predictions" by division at the top of the Lynbrook page have Moutain View Girls in D2, but they are in D1 for the first time this year (note: the MV boys are still in D2).
Can someone pass that info along to whoever is in charge of those predictions? Fixing that will effect the results a lot, in both the girl's D1 and D2 race predictions.
I am sure Hank will take care of that shortly.
Today is the hottest day of the week at 79. That a big difference from 10 am on a Saturday. I'm sure yesterday wasn't ideal either.
It will be sorted out at CCS
In 1989 when the DAL/FAL merged in with the SCVAL, instead of going with a strong/weak league and moving schools around every two years (like they do in track) it was decided that for XC they would keep the leagues together based on geography (hence why you have the 5 FUHSD schools & the 2 LG/Saratoga schools all in the same League. Then the other 7 are in the EC league (and are a bit more spread out than the other league is). It really didn't matter much since there were no dual meets in XC and we all went to the same Invites during the week (and now we have our cluster meets which all 14 schools go to). We still have the FUHSD Championships which might not have continued if the schools were broken up into different leagues.
They're slightly slower than normal for SCVAL standards since SCVAL has top teams (mostly D1 and D2 correct me if I'm wrong) and I was just curious and surprised.
In general, I'd say it's about the same. SCVAL has had to make some adjustments since the exclusion of seniors being allowed to run JV and this year there was no JV Boys race at all so the Jun/Sen had to run 30 seconds behind the VB (hence the times for some of the Jun/Sen boys should really be 30 seconds faster) so it might "appear" slower where it's really about the same. If you look at the All-Time SCVAL records on this course:
there were some additions for 2013 and these records go back some 20+ years which makes it tough to break in to.
That sounds absolutely insane. Why not just have another race?
Oh boy, don't get me started... first off, another race would add an hour to the SCVAL schedule (since it's actually 4 more races - guys & gals, both Leagues) and it gets dark this time of year - we would have to start at 1:00 and the school districts don't like us getting out as early as we do for a 2:00 start). Then what would you call that race? Can't call it JV since seniors can't run in a JV race (don't get me started on that one). Can't call it OPEN since CCS By-Laws sat that you can't have an OPEN race. Could call it RESERVE but the SCVAL By-Laws don't say you can have such a race (you can only have a race that the By-Laws spell out that you can have). Change the By-Laws...? Yeah, right, easier to get a bill passed (OK, I won't go there either). So, we have to be "creative" so EVERYONE gets to run, which means SOMEONE has to suffer (actually BOTH suffer, coaches and the athletes). Are you sorry yet that you asked the question...?
It makes sense that the race schedule was 'shortened' to accommodate the time change. Any reason as to why league finals were later this year, Hank?
It's all based on States, then you work it backwards so it wasn't really any later than normal.
I feel your pain and of the coaches, athletes and parents. I'm assuming if enough parents complained all the way up to the top something would get done.
Do you have to have separate JV and F/S races or could you combine all 14 schools into one race and leave varsity separated?
And why is it so hard to change a bylaw. Who would be against kids participating in a participation sport? Let me know, I'll write an angry letter!
They shouldn't have added the requirement that seniors run in varsity races, it was better without that added... Also Hank how is DAL and EC leagues split up during the track season? (something about a weak/strong league, didn't quite understand that)
Not sure how they decided back in 1989 what teams were the "strongest" 7 and which ones were the "weakest" 7 but every two years we realign by taking the last team in the "strong" league and swap them with the top team in the "weak" league. See our by-laws at (Article VIII, Section 3):
which explains the formula that is used.
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