Wednesday, November 13, 2013

CCS cross country preview: Gunn's Sarah Robinson could join elite company


Anonymous said...

I predict Sarah Robinson breaking Gunn's Crystal Springs course record and running the fastest time of the day. She has been steadily improving each race and is good at pushing herself with no competition.

Anonymous said...

My prediction:

Sarah Robinson 16:48
Anna Maxwell 16:43

Anonymous said...

Too bad Maxwell and Robinson are in different divisions. I think Robinson might have the advantage at CCS just because she has run on the course multiple times this season.

Anonymous said...

" I think Robinson might have the advantage at CCS just because she has run on the course multiple times this season."

Then again, Maxwell will run earlier in the day when the temperatures are cooler. Either way, both should be running solo most of the way, so it may just end up being who is more "on" that day.

Albert Caruana said...

I don't think the temperature will be a factor. It's supposed to be high 50s and low 60s throughout the day.

Maxwell may have someone who may push her for a while in Niki Iyer but for the most part, both runners should be running solo.

We'll see. I don't know if we have ever had two girls break 17 on the same day before.

Anonymous said...

I agree that temperature is unlikely to be a factor, but wind might.

Anonymous said...

Heard that Maxwell is just Focusing On the Win and Aiming for State, Since that's the Big Picture. So what is Up with Robinson. Is she going to Play Soccer or run in College or both?

Anonymous said...

"I don't know if we have ever had two girls break 17 on the same day before."

Sure there has:

Albert Caruana said...

Awesome. Thanks for the find. So girls started running cross country in the late 70s and we have had 2 girls go sub 17 on the same day one time.

I am rooting for it to happen again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Regardless Who Runs Faster. Two Outstanding Runners who Carry themselves Honorably!

John said...

Here's a trivia question. How is the second girl under 17 on that day in 1979 connected to the current Stanford women's team?

Anonymous said...

Well said anonymous at 1:02pm!

Anonymous @1:21 -- she is the mother of one of the girls on the current Stanford cross country team!

John said...

Anonymous at 3:22pm,

Correct. Which one?

Albert Caruana said...

Former 1600m. and cross country state champion in California.

John said...

And in Stanford's top 5 today that took 2nd at the NCAA West Regional...

hank said...

OK, I give - give (that's a give-give) me names. Should they be on the CS 2nd Generation list?


Albert Caruana said...

Cami Chapus

John said...

Vickie Cook is the mother of Cami Chapus, who ran at Harvard-Westlake, and was 26th today at the NCAA West Regional

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that Anna Maxwell isn't going to go for it. (According to 8:31 AM- who I suspect really knows!)
I don't think she will really face a challenge at State...why not try to be one of a very select group to break 17:00? I think there may only be 4-5 other girls to have achieved that feat.

Anonymous said...

Well the results are in and two girls left their names on the all time list for sub 17 - congrat's to both!

Anonymous said...

Now the results are in and 2 sub 17's for the books. Congrat's to both girls!

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