Sunday, October 13, 2024

Catching up with De La Salle senior, Trey Caldwell

Today we catch up with De La Salle senior Trey Caldwell. Yesterday, at the Serra Invitational, Caldwell broke the long-standing course record for the Crystal Springs course, which dates back to 1973 when Mitch Kingery of San Carlos ran 14:28 on the fairly new course. Caldwell is currently undefeated with three victories in Santa Barbara, the DLS Invitational as well as yesterday's race. He finished in 4th place in the Division 2 state meet race last year and appears to be among the best runners in the state following his great effort yesterday.

1) How did you get your start in running? What other sports did you play before high school? What were your track PRs then and now?
When I was in elementary and middle school, I played sports like soccer, basketball, and flag football. I was never the best, but I was almost always the fastest, so I naturally gravitated towards track and cross country around 7th grade. I ran a 5:16 mile in 8th grade, and I got that down to 4:15 junior year along with an 8:53 in the 2 mile.

2) What do you remember about your freshman year at De La Salle in both cross country and track and field? Who were your mentors on the team and what did you learn from them? Highlights from both seasons?
Freshman year was awesome because I came in with no expectations, and ended up making varsity! My highlight from that year was winning the freshman year at Mt. SAC, which is a race to which I attribute much of my motivation and success.

3) What do you feel has contributed the most to the improvement you have made since your freshman year to now? 
I think having a great coach, a great team, and a great support staff of friends and family has been the biggest contributor to my success.

4) Going into your race at the Serra Invitational, what was your race plan? Was there any thought about the course record? Tell us a little about the race and how it played out for you. What did you think when you first heard you broke the course record?
I definitely had the course record on my mind, but it wasn’t my main goal. I just wanted to go out and win, because to me, winning is what matters most. The race went super well and I felt comfortable and confident throughout and the record happened to come with it. Having my name go along with that course going forward is really cool to think about after hopefully setting a record that won’t be touched for a little while.

5) What does a typical week look like for you training wise? Any repeatable workouts? Morning runs? Strength work? 
I don’t want to reveal too much, but I don’t run too much mileage and I typically get in 2 workouts and a long run on weeks where I don’t have a race. Race weeks are a little less mileage with Fridays being super easy as well as Sundays.

6) Favorite cross country invitational? Favorite cross country course? Favorite track invitational? Favorite track event? 
My favorite course and invitational definitely has to go to Mt. SAC. The atmosphere there is unmatched and I love going there every year. My favorite track meet is probably State or West Coast Relays because I love running at Buchanan.

7) Where will you be going to college and how did you end up making that decision? 
I will be attending the University of Colorado next fall! I was initially committed to Tennessee, but the coach at Tennessee ended up taking the vacant position at Colorado and I decided to follow him there.

8) Tell us about your coach and how he has helped you develop into the runner you are today. 
Coach Pelster is the best coach I could’ve asked for. Instead of running me into the ground after having a good freshman year, he decided to take a true four year approach so that I could thrive and grow as a runner even into my senior year. I owe him an infinite amount of credit and gratitude for his coaching job.

9) Looking back at your high school career in both xc and tf, what would you say you are most proud of as far as accomplishments and times?
I think I am most proud of making it to Footlocker my sophomore year because of how rare that is. I think that is an accomplishment that I will forever cherish as long as I live.

10) What advice would you give to a freshman runner who has hopes of being an elite runner?
I would just advise them to keep at it. Running takes mileage and workouts stacked on top of each other. Greatness doesn’t come quickly. It comes with hours and hours of working hard and doing everything it takes to reach your goals.

11) What races are you most looking forward to the rest of this season? Any goals you would like to share?
I am looking forward to defending my Mt. SAC title in a couple weeks as well as hopefully winning my first state title in November!

Thank you very much for your time Trey!

New Crystal Springs course record!

De La Salle senior Trey Caldwell finally took down Mitch Kingery's fabled Crystal Springs course record of 14:28 from 1973 with his 14:27.1 at yesterday's Serra Invitational. That is a 52-year-old record, and although the course doesn't get all the best runners in California, many have tried to break that record. For those of you who don't know, Mitch Kingery, for many years, held the high school marathon record of 2:23:47, which he ran about the same time that he broke the course record. 

Congratulations to Trey for an amazing achievement.

Here is the link to yesterday's results:

Here is the link to the previous record's results from the 3rd center meet in 1973.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

FASTR Team Talk: Strength Training for the High School Athlete

On Monday, October 28, from 7:30-9pm, the Stanford FASTR team hosts a free in-person session at Stanford on 
strength training for the high school athlete. 

Join the FASTR team, human performance researcher and strength coach Morgan Smith, PhD, CSCS, and Agile physical therapist Maddie Tight-Alfiero, DPT, OCS for an interactive session of education, discussion, and active movement. This will be for coaches and running based athletes (of any gender), including athletes in cross country, track, soccer, lacrosse, etc.


Anyone interested in attending can sign up at the link HERE.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

2024 Mid-Season Mania 1600m Invitational

Vacaville boys lead the field with 4:17.19 (fastest time), 4:25.31, 4:25.63, 4:28.40 and 4:32.54.

Monte Vista girls best with 5:03.41, 5:05.84, 5:11.66, 5:13.88 and 5:17.44 top five runners.

Dealing with bay area hot temperatures

Please share in the comment section below how your team is dealing with the hot temperatures we are experiencing this week. What are you allowed to do? Did you shift your practice times? Did you adjust your workouts? Who determines what you do as far as your practice? What is your advice for your runners on how to better handle workouts or races during hot temperatures?

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