Courtesy of Spencer Allen and
Monday, May 31, 2010
Photo of the Week
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/31/2010 12:42:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Photo of the Week, Web Finds
Sunday, May 30, 2010
NCS Meet of Champions videos...
Flotrack coverage first:
Thanks to University HS runner Ned Tannenbaum for finding these videos online courtesy of and jimtonimarin.
Here is the boys' 4 x 400 which was arguably the best race:
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/30/2010 07:37:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Web Finds
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Northern California Section Results and coverage...
NCS Results
SJS results and coverage:
SF results
Newspaper links to follow as they appear online...
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/29/2010 10:10:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Live NCS Results will be posted on twitter...
You can locate them at
Running events start at 1pm...I will try to post the top 4 and state meet qualifying athletes.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/29/2010 11:20:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Northern California Sections Finals coverage
CCS Finals (videos added)
SJS Masters
NCS Semi-Finals
SF Trials
OAK (Griffiths of SRV) (Strums article in SJ Mercury News) (Angela Gradiska article) (Local coverage for Palo Alto area) (Another SJ Mercury News article) (Nina Anderson article) (another Anderson article) (Press Democrat-Four already qualify to state) (Ciarra Brewer of James Logan) (Maurice Spikes of St. Mary's) (Santa Cruz Sentinel article) (Taylor Kientzel article) (Register-Pajaronian article) (Manteca miler makes state meet) (Indians' Souza, Ruegg win Masters events) (Jesuit twins article)
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/29/2010 08:03:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
Friday, May 28, 2010
Live CCS Results will be posted on twitter...
I will try to post as many results as I can from Gilroy HS.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/28/2010 02:13:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Notre Dame's Anderson a favorite in 3,200
Herald Staff Writer
Nina Anderson considered chasing track titles in two events.
Her coaches felt focusing on just one event would be better for the sophomore distance ace.
"She was open to both,'' Notre Dame track coach Mandy Lebow said. "The amount of time she has dropped in the 1,600 opened it up for debate. But we wanted her to focus on just the 3,200.''
Which is what Anderson will do tonight when she sets her sights on a Central Coast Section title in the 3,200-meter run at Gilroy High.
Anderson is one of 18 local athletes taking part in tonight's track and field championships. The top three finishers in each event advance to the state championships.
"She wants a personal record,'' Lebow said. "I would be kind of scared to tell you what I think it's going to be. Nina is going to have a lot of energy bottled up.''
To read the rest of the article, go to the following link:
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/28/2010 10:46:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
Need help this Saturday @ Kezar
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/28/2010 12:25:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sacrificing Graduation to Race
Unfortunately some track and field athletes have to make some tough decisions at the end of their season. Here is the story of two athletes from Sacred Heart Cathedral as told by their coach, Andy Chan.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/26/2010 08:16:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Coach Contributions
Section Lane Assignments...
NCS Meet of Champions
CCS Finals
SJS Performance List
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/26/2010 09:27:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
WOW with Lukas Verzbicas
Courtesy of
Track and Field Videos on Flotrack
6 x 400m. (Recovery is when heart rate goes back down to 120BPM)
#1 - 56.6
#2 - 56.6
#3 - 56.1
#4 - 57.2
#5 - 57.3
#6 - 57.7
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/26/2010 09:24:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Brothers finish first and second at CA Community College State Championship...
There are some great pics of them going over the final water jump and passing Dahir Mohammed (state leader- 9:13) from Southwestern:
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/25/2010 09:39:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Catching up with San Ramon Valley runner, Kevin Griffith...
1) How did you get your start in running (track and field/cross country)?
I first ran track with CYO in 6th and 7th grade. I decided that I would give track a go because I was fairly quick on the soccer field. I had a lot of success, and I remember winning the diocese 800 and 400 in 7th grade. I also ran the 4x100 relay with one of my current team mates Ian Padilla Jong. I ran cross country only senior year, with the idea that it would look better towards recruiting and that i would have a stronger distance base for track.
2) What was the first success that you can remember in cross country? track and field?
As I previously mentioned, I had some success during my middle school years with CYO. In high school, I first realized that I had potential in the 800 when I ran a 2:03 after doing solely 400 training. The highlight of my freshman year was seeing my name as #1 freshman in the state on with a 1:57.7. This year in cross country, I first met success at the Scott Bauhs invite, where I placed 2nd in my first 3 mile race.
3) When did you first realize that the state meet was a possibility for you?
I first realized that the state meet was a possibility after EBAL finals sophomore year, after a breakout race of 1:54.7. After that race I had the confidence to be more aggressive, and went on to place 2nd at NCS MOC, thus making it to state.
4) What were some of your highlights from your junior season in both sports?
In my junior year, running at Arcadia in the invitational 800 and running in the state finals race for the 800 at Buchanan were two major highlights. Running on the 4x4 the entire year was also a great experience. I did not compete in cross country that year.
5) When you reflect to your senior season in cross country, what races stand out for you? Team accomplishments?
Looking back at cross country, many races stand out. I would say that the Lowell Invite (where we took 7 of the top 10 spots), and the race at NCS were the team's best races. As a team, we raced well together by staying close and paced off one another. That is an accomplishment in it's own right.
6) What have been some of your highlights so far this season in track?
This year's track season has been filled with great memories. Breaking the school record in the 800 at a dual meet and breaking Scott Bauhs mile school record are two major individual accomplishments I am proud of this season. Arcadia was definitely the funnest meet of the year. I ran in three very successful relays and in the invite 800. The 4x400 was the standout race of the night where we went sub 3:20 for the first time, broke the school record by winning the seeded race, and got interviewed after by Nike!
7) Why do you think SRV does so well in xc and track and field?
I believe that xc and track have been so successful this year due to our incredible camaraderie. During cross country season, the team was very close together and driven by a common unifying goal. We strove to win EBAL and NCS, and pushed eachother in a positive manner every practice. As for track, the team has an incredible work ethic and we are all close friends outside of school (which makes a huge difference). The track team is incredibly motivated and we spend time together often, whether it's taking ice baths or just hanging out.
Above all else, coach Hunter and Stevens have kept us focused and prepared to take on one race at a time. They also have done an incredible job of structuring workouts so that the team is peaking during the right times of the season.
8) What are some of your key track and field workouts for you? What does a typical week look like for you?
Some key workouts that i enjoy are 200, 300, 400, and 800 repeats; usually fast or at VO2 max pace. A typical week consists of:
monday: 6-8 mile run or 200 repeats with sprinters
tuesday: distance workout day
wednesday: light 3-4 mile run and handoffs
thursday: lighter workout day or dual meet race day
friday: 20 minute run and handoffs
saturday: distance workout day or invitational race day
sunday: light 3-4 mile run and spending a few hours at the gym
9) Where are you going to college and how did you end up deciding to choose that college?
I will begin attending UC Davis on August 22nd! I chose Davis amongst many other offers because it is a great place to compete at a high level for track, but at the same time pursue my academic goals in a less stressful environment than many other schools. I plan to study materials science. Davis also has weather that is favorable over many other locations.
10) As you were first starting out in high school, what runners did you consider to be your mentors (from SRV or other teams)?
In high school I was greatly inspired by the seniors and juniors that were present my freshman year. Cameron Walters (who i also played soccer with) was an incredible person and a 49 second 400 meter runner. He was the epitome of a hard working individual, and I was influenced greatly by this. Jason Silva was a junior when I first came to San Ramon Valley and would be my distance training partner for the next two years. He was very friendly, motivated, and a leadership figure. Jason mentored me in everything distance related.
11) For younger runners, what would you tell them are the keys to being a successful runner?
Keys to success would include: training hard, listening to your coaches, eating well, staying rested, racing to win no matter the competition, and staying hydrated.
12) Anything else you would like to add.
Thank you very much for your time Kevin! AJC
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/25/2010 07:20:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Athlete Interviews
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pictures from CCS Semi-Finals and NCS Tri-Valley Meets...
CCS Semi-Finals at Gilroy HS
NCS Tri-Valley Meet at Granada High School
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/24/2010 10:46:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Web Finds
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Photo of the Week
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/23/2010 08:40:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Early Results from today's section meets...
CCS Semi-finals (Santa Cruz Sentinel) (Santa Cruz Sentinel)
NCS Redwood Empire Meet
Bingham, Stone set records at NCS track meet (
Prep track: Novato boys slip past Terra Linda to win Redwood Empire meet (
NCS Tri-Valley Meet
NCS Class A Meet at Montgomery HS
Video from today's NCS Class A Meet at Montgomery HS (courtesy of Jim Crowhurst)
Prep report: Marin Academy's McCullough, Branson's Thomas, Harris win at NCS Class A track meet (
Braves’ Hoff credits veteran coach for big track turnaround (
Braves boys win Class A track crown (
Clear Lake's Glazier heads small-school contingent (
Newspaper articles leading up to above meets...
Braves boys win Class A track crown (
Clear Lake's Glazier heads small-school contingent (
Clear Lake's Glazier heads small-school contingent (
Newspaper articles leading up to above meets...
Gunn's Gallagher hits 800 stride for CCS track (
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/22/2010 09:26:00 PM
Friday, May 21, 2010
Northern CA section qualifiers and heats coming up...
Northern Californa Track and Field Leaders courtesy of Keith Conning:
How to get real time CCS results on your IPhone
CCS Semi-final heats:
CCS Track: Area's best take crack at section's elite (
TRACK: San Benito to send 17, plus 4x400 relay, to CCS Semifinals (
Redwood Empire heats:
SJS (recently updated)
SF (just updated) (just updated)
More links will be posted as I get them.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/21/2010 12:50:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Conning Stats
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The best meet that isn't
From Jim Crowhurst and the Press Democrat ========================================= You may have noticed on my site that I do next to no opinion pieces. This will be one of the few negative stories about the sport I love. What brings all this on? The NCS/Redwood Empire Championships. This meet is unlike any other I know of. This is where the top runners in the area all must gather to compete, to advance on toward State, yet the best never run against each other. Check out the heat assignments and look at what could have been. If you are unfamiliar with how this meet is run, I'll try to explain. The top 6 from the 4 leagues that compose what the NCS calls the Redwood Empire, come together to see which 7 kids in each event move on to the NCS MOC. In most of the running events, the kids are broken up into 3 balanced heats. So the 3 fastest 100 runners are all in separate heats and so on. They run the heats and then call the heat winner with the fastest time the champion. And the top 7 times go on. They even do team scoring on the meet and hand out a pennant. This is all done so that the meet can be done in one day. So, if you're in one of the three 800 heats, forget about running a tactical race. Only the winner is assured of going on. And should one sprint heat have a head wind and another a tail, oh well, thats the breaks. Ok I'm done ranting for the year. Just so you know the NCS 1A meet on Saturday will be at Montgomery High. It will also be a one day meet but they will run trials in the morning and true finals in the afternoon. This of course, is a killer for the sprinters, but at least it's not a meet on paper rather than on the track. Opps I'm ranting again. If you want to say "Hi" I'll be selling t-shirts at the 1A meet. Jim Crowhurst
Totally agree with Jim in regards to the seeding of the Redwood Empire meet. I am not sure why the best runners are separated in that fashion. There is no reason why you can't have a slow and a fast heat if you are going to have multiple heats. That way you can have fair competition for the coveted 7 spots that automatically advance to the NCS MOC.
As for the trials at the Class A Meet. The top sprinters cruise the trials so it's not that big of a deal for them. Since only 3 advance to the NCS MOC from that meet, it's necessary that the athletes with a shot to advance go head to head.
No question that for the majority of my athletes, the NCS Class A meet was their favorite meet of the season. It is very much sorely missed now that we are in CCS.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/20/2010 09:26:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Northern CA Section championships links...
You can find all the info for the following sections at the following links:
If there are other links that are useful to coaches, athletes and parents at this time of year, send them my way and I will include them to the lists above.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/17/2010 12:10:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Web Finds
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Northern CA League results as well as newspaper articles rolling in...
Prep report: McCullough leads the way as 12 Marin Academy track and field athletes qualify for Section (
Local Roundup: Jones, Cueva, Plascencia all qualify for CCS in multiple events at MBL meet (
Paly boys, Gunn girls win track team titles at SCVAL Qualifier (
EBAL track champions a tale of two Atkinsons ( other leagues covered as well.
Track and Field: Foothill, Amador Wrap Up EBAL Championships (
Prep track: Novato boys, Drake girls cap perfect league seasons (
and for Pac 10...
Pac-10 track and field championships: Oregon stars with local ties shine (
Cal steeplechaser wins Pac-10 championship (
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/16/2010 12:41:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
Bay to Breakers 2010
You can catch it on KRON 4 live at 8:00am with a replay of the race tonight at 7:00pm.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/16/2010 07:53:00 AM
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Northern CA newspaper coverage...
Prep roundup: Gators claim WBAL track and field championship (
MVAL track: Picture-perfect day for James Logan (
Lancers second best in WCAL track (
For those of you heading to Berkeley today.
Pac-10 Track & Field Championships: Oregon's Jordan Hasay ready to test rivals in 1,500 (
Pac 10 Championships at Berkeley (sf chronicle blog)
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/15/2010 10:28:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
Friday, May 14, 2010
Club sports add challenges to school athletics
by Terri Lobdell
Palo Alto Online Staff
The emergence of "club sports" in the past 20 years has created a pool of experienced coaches in high school athletics -- but it also has raised concerns about conflicts of interest and favoritism when a club coach has club players on a school team.
According to school officials and sports experts -- local and nationwide -- this growing influence of clubs impacts high school sports in several significant ways.
There are major differences between club sports and either recreational youth sports or high school sports, which often are less intense or have multiple goals. Club sports focus on winning and developing highly skilled athletes, according to school officials and experts. Clubs recruit players from wider geographical regions and from early grades, pay professional coaches hefty sums, and pride themselves on gaining entry to "showcase" tournaments and "premier" playing leagues, participants say.
"This is not the model for high school, where you play with your schoolmates and play for your school," said Commissioner Nancy Lazenby Blaser of the Central Coast Section (CCS) of the California Interscholastic Federation, which governs high school sports.
She said the primary mission underlying high school sports is educational. By contrast, for professionals running club sports it's about "promoting and making a livelihood from sports," she said.
Club programs cover a variety of sports, especially soccer, volleyball, basketball, water polo, tennis and baseball. They also offer camps and other training programs to develop skills, according to participants. Many club teams travel extensively to play other high-level teams in their leagues and at regional or national tournaments.
Young club athletes train more seriously from earlier ages to compete at higher levels, according to experts. Year-round programs are common and sports seasons have begun to disappear, as have multi-sport athletes.
Clubs become a way of life for many young athletes and their families. Parents are heavily involved due to the time, travel and financial commitment clubs usually require.
The single-sport specialization is a growing concern. The most frequently asked question at sports-parents workshops is how parents should deal with pressures on their children to specialize, according to a recent Positive Coaching Alliance newsletter. Potential costs of specialization include physical, psychological and emotional pitfalls, including burnout, overuse injuries and damage to parent-child relationships, the newsletter warns.
In addition, by the time students enter high school, if an athlete has not played club sports, his or her ability to compete on the high school team in many sports is significantly compromised, many sports participants say.
"High school sports don't matter the way they used to. Any sort of elite (play) is done at the club level," said Palo Alto Superintendent Kevin Skelly, noting two exceptions: football and track and field.
"It is what it is. I don't think you're going to change that," said Skelly, whose daughter, Gunn High senior Teresa Skelly, is heavily involved in the competitive volleyball world.
In fact, many club coaches and players view high school teams as a competitive "step down" and worry that high school play will slow a club athlete's progress. Many elite club players are discouraged or even forbidden by their club coaches from playing high school sports, school officials say.
Most club athletes, however, still enjoy playing for their school and do so eagerly. Some juggle continuing club practices (CCS forbids club contests if the athlete is competing in high school) while they also play on a high school team, several top athletes told the Weekly.
Club programs also hone in on preparing athletes for the next level of play -- in college -- complete with strategies for how best to attract college recruiters' attention and scholarships. This mentality can also pervade the high school teams and cause a ramp-up in competitive focus, at the expense of the educational mission of personal development for all players, many school officials fear.
As club sports have grown, high schools are pressured to be more like clubs, Lazenby Blaser said.
"Most successful (high school) athletic programs ... are deeply intertwined with club sports," Skelly said, defining "success" as measured by wins and losses.
As the number of teacher-coaches decline (see "The job of coaching" sidebar online), club coaches are filling the void.
"We want talented coaches and, let's face it, some of the most talented coaches are club coaches," Skelly said.
One concern expressed across the nation is when club coaches have players from their club team play for a high school team they coach, or who have players switch schools to play for the coach. The CCS recently passed a rule making the athletes who follow a coach to a different school immediately ineligible for play, Palo Alto High School Athletic Director Earl Hansen noted.
But there is no rule to cover a club coach landing at the same school his club athletes already attend. This overlap creates a real or perceived conflict of interest because the club coach may feel financial and political pressures to favor and play club players, according to numerous sports parents and school officials. The coach's primary income is from his club families; he wants those players to reflect well on his club; and there is a mutual comfort between coach and players.
Even if the coach doesn't play favorites it's "still a huge suspicion," Hansen said.
Students who play for rival clubs often decide, or feel pressure, to join the high school coach's club team and may that way gain advantage, or perceived advantage, on the high school team.
Coveted team-captainships (which carry status, leadership opportunities and college-application cachet) are often given to club players, fairly or not, according to many players and parents. Players who don't play for the coach's club can feel like outsiders and resent that, numerous players told the Weekly.
"These are all major issues that I did not have to deal with at the beginning," Hansen said of his 17 years as Paly's athletic director. To combat the club-conflict problem, Hansen requires all club coaches to provide him with their club rosters "so I can understand the moves that are being made, and that they're not influenced by money."
Skelly acknowledged concerns about potential conflicts of interest with club coaches. It's a dilemma, he said.
"I don't know how you stop that and still get quality coaches and still give kids a quality experience."
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/14/2010 01:29:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Training Web Finds
Thursday, May 13, 2010
League Finals coverage of Peninsula Athletic League Meet...and more...
Woodside wins boys’ PAL championship (
Aragon sprints to girls title (
PHS attempts to defend track titles (
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/13/2010 09:17:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
2010 Northern California High School List May 10, 2010
Courtesy of Keith Conning.
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/12/2010 11:05:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Conning Stats
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Northern CA newspaper coverage...
League finals galore...
PAL's Track and Field Future Looks Bright (
TRACK AND FIELD: SHS boys settle for second, place fourth at ST Finals (
SCCAL TRACK: Aptos nets seven wins, but no team titles (
H-DN track and field finale shaping out to be a good one (
Article about former Burlingame HS athlete
Peninsula native vying for centipede mark at Bay to Breakers
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/11/2010 07:41:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
Redwood Empires Greatest High School Male Track and Cross Country Athletes
Redwood Empires Greatest High School Male Track and Cross Country Athletes
Anybody recognize the runner to the left without looking at the link first?
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/11/2010 09:15:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Legendary Runners, Newspaper Articles
Monday, May 10, 2010
Kellan O'Donnell's high jump technique analyzed by... and readers
You can check out the board discussions on both sites at the following links:
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/10/2010 01:53:00 PM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Web Finds
Sunday, May 09, 2010
The New Fosbury flop?
April 28th’donnell/
May 5th (video of his jump at this link)
May 6th’donnell-story/
May 8th“the-o’donnell”-lives/
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/09/2010 10:52:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
Northern CA newspaper coverage...
SCCAL Track and Field Championships: Track-less Santa Cruz team searching for titles (
Track and field trio turns in top marks at league championships (
Hercules track star Chalese Davis wins twice in return (
Home HDNC track event to take place on Saturday (
Posted by
Albert Caruana
5/09/2010 07:56:00 AM
Labels: 2010 Track and Field, Newspaper Articles
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