Clovis Invitational Results (Statewide)
The Other Meet Results (SJS)
Crystal Springs Invitational Results (NorCal)
Castro Valley Invitational Results (NorCal)
The Other Meet Results (SJS)
Crystal Springs Invitational Results (NorCal)
Castro Valley Invitational Results (NorCal)
clovis invitational combined girls results. the number 6 "girl" listed was un the boys JV race
combined girls team results. how does St Francis beat Vista del Lago head to head in the same race and in total time but end up behind them in the combined girls results?
If you look at the results for that race, one of the girls listed for St. Francis is not in their list for the combined results.
Thanks. Just supports the fact that these combined lists should be taken with a grain of salt
Huxham 15:14
WHERES Castro Valley resutls?
Clovis had entries, schedule and results posted in a timely manner. Crystal Springs had entries up late, a confused and changing schedule and the results still unavailable.
Is it that hard to post results?
I watched the race and it seemed to be very well run. I guess they got the most important part right!
Clovis had results up within 5 min after the race (posted and online) without chip timing. Time to move into this century.
and we are still waiting for the crystal springs results... I'm guessing it's because so many teams signed up for this race this year (since that is where CCS will be)?
The results were posted. Someone just needs to send the email or post online.
I am sure the results will be posted by tomorrow. Bob Rush has the results and now just has to get them to directathletics and Hank's site.
Meet management should have at least scanned and posted as a PDF.
Still no results for Crystal?
No results yet.
Were they reported in any local papers? That might help get top times and teams. This is kind of silly already.
If Crystal Springs Inv wants to attract more and better quality teams in the future they need to get their results posted online faster. This justs makes them look disorganized and unprofessional to any teams that were not at the meet.
Nothing left to do but make jokes like if they were half as worried about results as they were with parking issues, blocking off the finish, and who you not to call in an emergency, we'd have had them B4 the race. Can't someone just post the pics they took of the results board with their phones. I thought Bob had them and just needed to send them in. What's the hold up?
Also am I the only one who was disappointed with the race bibs at the Crystal Invite? I expected them to say at least *something* like "Crystal Spring Invite 2013" or "Serra Invite 2013" like they did last year..
Really the amount of complaining on here is comically awfull. Its stooped so low that people are complaining about the race bibs. (yes you are the only one to care) The sport is about the kids not you guys, so be patient. Im sure their doing the best they can. As I recall last year Mt sac had a lot of troubles with results and nobody was attacking them
Lots were. What a joke, this is rediculous.
Ever wonder why our sport is on the bottom of the HS sport hierarchy. Could you imagine a football game not having a box score? Volleyball game?
The race bib complaint may be a little petty, but the complaints about the race results definitely isn't. So Mr. 2:03 PM quit trying to be the adult in the room. You're coming across as pretentious.
I'm just pissed about the shirts (or lack thereof). I thought I was going to complete my "top fifteen every year" collection but I guess they just wanted to ruin my life
The kids want to see their results. How is complaining about the bibs a low blow.? We have nothing else to comment on.
To anonymous at 2:22 PM:
I agree with Anonymous 2:03PM, and I think your comment is pretty misguided, to say the least. Yes, there can be some frustration with the slowness in releasing the results. But are you really comparing it to football and volleyball? High school football box scores require the score (anyone at the game could tell you that), who scored and the distance of the scoring play, and the teams' records. And that's for 2 teams playing in 1 game. With volleyball, it requires the scores of each set, and often will include the leading kills or blocks in a game. Again, for 2 teams in 1 match. With football, you're talking about 80 guys involved, tops, and not 80 are mentioned because there are usually only about 10 people even involved with scoring. With volleyball, you're talking less than 20.
With an event like the Crystal Springs Invite, you're talking 3000 people. In more than 1 race. With probably around 40 teams (maybe more). This is so much bigger in terms of tallying results you can't even compare it to keeping a box score for a volleyball or football game.
Also, this doesn't always happen with XC meets, so no, that doesn't explain your assumption that running is at the bottom of high school sports. Check the participation numbers of the different sports. Yes, running often isn't as popular as other sports like football or basketball because it doesn't draw the ra-ra crowds or alumni money, and those sports are bigger money-making ventures on the collegiate and professional levels so there's more high school excitement for them. But unless you have specific arguments to show that XC is the lowest sport on the high school hierarchy, you cannot claim that.
To: 3:21PM,
They have the results. They were posted on a board at the meet. People are complaining because they haven't been posted on-line. As far as the rest of your rant.....
Bob Rush will get results doncorrections. There were a lot of corrections to be made and he wants to make sure the results are accurate.
I am so mad at the Crystal springs invite. There was a bug on the course and I accidentally stepped on it and killed it. I guess they not only want to ruin my life but others lives as well.
To 5:58,
Sarcasm is only clever when it is subtle.
You are not subtle and therefore not very clever.
Your parents must be proud of their little boy.
Hello I am a high school runner for one of the top norcal teams and after reading this most people on this post are behaving childish. The results will be up eventually its not the end of the world.
So maybe tomorrow then? I am not a runner on top NorCal team.
To all those saying that people are being unreasonable expecting results to be posted this quickly I heartily disagree with you. The other California CC invitationals this weekend had no trouble getting their results online, one way or another, way before this point. This big delay in posting results online just makes Crystal Springs Invite look bad in comparison.
This is comical because this is a simple thing. Hit send.
How many results can possibly be mistaken here? Just put them up and fix it later. Did people cut the course? Pull a Kip Lipton?
As for the Football thing, give me a break. It is much harder to take these stats and report than listing the top 5 teams and individuals. I can do that with a piece of paper and a watch. Good luck keeping stats at any football game for those players. I don't even know why I'm arguing with this idiotic response.
Asking for results in a timely manor is not childish. If I am not mistaken people paid entries to get a result. It should be done in a timely manor. This looks very bad for the meet director and meet management.
What are the odds the results for the crystal springs center meet are posted first?
Over under on how many days this is going to take? The number is 5.
Anon 6:27 = coach responsible for results...
not going to argue about the results not being posted yet because I can't do anything about it, but I agree that because there were 3 other xc meets on the same day and results from those meets are all posted, it does make the director of the crystal meet bad because the crystal results are not up yet.
Are you sure it's Bob Rush in charge of the results, not Bob Relax?
related but unrelated, out of curiosity why does central catholic come down to this meet of all meets every season?
Dave Frank, the Central Catholic coach used to coach at St. Francis at one time and appreciates the history of the Crystal Springs course. My guess, it's a fun trip for his team.
@anon 9:26pm: made my night!! I love this website....ahahahah
The Central Catholic runner won the boys invite, but what was his time??? He ran 14:54 last year behind Ho and Estifanos. It'll be impressive if he runs faster than 14:54 solo...
I believe he ran 14:58/59...
not bad,....thanks Albert!
As someone who times race and posts the results, I can understand holding off on posting results until they are correct - especially with a meet of this magnitude. Yes, you could post results and fix later but as soon as they are posted, other sites will take those incorrect results and will re-post. They will not go back and get the correct results. So, waiting is better than throwing out incorrect info. IMO.
It seems that the purpose of Cross Country Express is to provide interested people up-dated on: RACE RESULTS, schedules, rankings, interviews, profiles, etc.
Anyone who clicks on 'comments' below race results are obviously researching results.
Those who then try to be self-righteous by criticizing those of us who are unhappy about the delay are being disingenuous.
You remind me of the kid running around yelling, "Mommy, mommy, look at me. Aren't I being a good boy!"
As for the kid who said that 'he was a runner on a top norcal team' and that he thought that people were acting childishLY....Why state that you're on a top ranked team? Do you think that makes your opinon more valuable than a runner on an unranked team?
So I guess the CCS rankings will jnot reflect anything that happened at Serra? What a joke. I agree with 7:43. We are suppose to be interested, but not that interested.? This sucks, and when you consider it's the same guys who have done the STATE meet in the past, I believe a little criticism is due. Feel free to get this done. Maybe you guys shouldn't have let teams run with "Unknown Runners" and switch between Championship and Varsity races. This race has gotten way out of hand with the amount of competitors(especially non CCS), and I think it's safe to say by now that race management has dropped the ball. Too bad Belmont PD chief won't drag Bob into his office over the results being botched. It's not like they have anything else to do.
Maybe the called them into the news paper the old days. :-) When is it the meet directors job to put the results on line? Entitlement is a bitch you know....
I posted the 7:43AM remarks. Having just re-read them I hope that no-one thinks I was criticizing Cross Country Express. I wasn't! It's an invaluable source. It's great. I was talking about the people who use the site and then act like the data that CCE provides isn't that important.
What do old people hate more entitlement, or excuses?
Looks like the Pony Express just dropped them off. Cross Country smack is fun. We are all pretty good about keeping people names out our mouths. Keep up the hard work. I can't wait for the next big controversy. Bob Rush is the King.
The timing company that does States is RecordTiming. I do not believe that RecordTiming was involved with the results of Crystal Springs Invite. Bob Rush has been involved with the State Meet and works with RecordTiming on occasion but that does not mean that the same people that create the results for States was involved with CSI.
CCS rankings are waiting for the CSI results (at least none of the voters have sent me anything yet so I'm guessing they're waiting).
To 11:32AM,
What are you trying to say?
That was the most rambling, confusing thing I've ever read!
What makes you think that old people hate entitlements? They depend on them to survive.
Unless your idea of an old person is anyone over 25, I don't know.
"...keeping people's names out our mouths." What does that mean?
"Keep up the hard work." Who are you talking about?
Bob Rush is the King. He probably is...I don't know why all the blame is being directed at him.
Thank you all for all the enthusiasm and passion for the sport. The results have been posted. As Hank and I mentioned before, Bob wanted to make sure the results were accurate before posting.
If there were any issues with the meet, please forward your concerns to the meet director (Ron DiMaggio @ and I am sure he will make sure things run smoother next year.
I was there the entire meet and thought it was a well run event and many kids walked away from the invitational with a positive experience.
Onward and upward!
I'm just saying this as a professional database geek who has to deal with tens of thousands of individual lines of data every month in my job, that for ANY meet to get almost perfectly accurate results up on the web in the time-frame we are actually seeing is quite impressive. It's great if the State meet results are posted with incredible swiftness, but they can't all be like that. Live data is like a bunch of cats; trying to herd it is not simple and we should cut the Crystal Springs folks some slack.
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