Now we know who is racing who. What are the best match-ups on Saturday? Teams? Individuals?
Now we know who is racing who. What are the best match-ups on Saturday? Teams? Individuals?
Best match up is Blair Hurlock against all the other top guns in his first major high school outing. Hurlock, Lawson, Haney, and others in the seeded race looks awesome.
Looking forward to seeing SJS girls... there may be some surprises.
The DIII guys team race is going to be SO intense. Quite a few ranked teams duking it out.
so, forgive my ignorance, but is there a method to the listing order for the regular races? Is it as they think the finish order will be or just the order teams were accepted or random?
So St Francis girls over Davis (SJS)in Seeded Girls race at Stanford. BUT Sophie Meads (Davis) and Miranda Myers (SF) don't appear to have their best runs - so we wait until Bella Vista Inv. at Willow Hills . . .
Yeah it's weird meads is supposed to be the Davis second runner and she didn't even score. Davis did well to only be 11 points back. I don't think we'll really find out until sections
I guess this is what keeps it exciting...runners will have exceptional races and sometimes they have a bad day due to illness coming on or other factors. I think the name of the game for these two teams is to stay healthy for sections.
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