Meet information: (including heat and flight sheets)
Live Results:
Posted by
Albert Caruana
6/09/2012 11:46:00 AM
Labels: 2012 Track and Field, Race Announcement
Sarah Schrek in the 3200. My question is, if she lives in Moss Beach right next to HMB how can she go to Carlmont? That is quite the drive and a little shady if you ask me. Some good old Fashioned SLV and Los Gatos recruiting perhaps?
Anonymous -Before you start another subject better get your Fact straight first! First of all 0f the 50 kids and 49 live in school district! 1 Outside, the one outside had no intention going to there respected school and Happens to be a faster drive 7 Minutes to SLV!
How about Shrek not going to HMB?
If you have an issue with that, take it somewhere else. Not interested.
Why? That's shady. Funny how they blame privates for recruiting and this comes out. HMB is an awesome program. I think this is a valid topic! Rules are in place to prevent this kind of thing no?
^ comment will be delegated in 3...2...1...
The censorship is awful here.
Anonymous Needs to get a Life!
Nope, just answers.
I entered Sarah Schrek and my other athletes. I live in Moss Beach. You need to put the address of the payment info. If you noticed in the Boys races Beau Armstrong and Jeffrey Stalun were both from Moss Beach. The kids all live in Belmont or San Carlos. Are you really dumb enough to still try and stir up stuff about Carlmont kids. You also try to make a great program like SLV look bad when you know nothing. Nice try though...
And the SRV kids never should have gotten a re-race before MOCs! #UnnecesaryGriping
Hey Albert:
I look at these comments and wonder why these people change topic and complain about something completely different than your discussion thread. I know it is a lot of work, and you have a GREAT site, but is there a way to electronically ZAP these anonymous comments...even if only editing after the fact.
If not, come on people, keep the negativity to yourself. And this is only my comment, not representative of the web-site owner or manager!
For those not at the meet...THE WIND was the story of the meet. Pole vault and high jump bars held in place until just as the attempt was started, 30-35 mph gusts...up until the girls PV competition ended at 9:30...and one OUTSTANDING discus performance that caught the wind for a truly inspiring throw. Regardless of the marks and times...the competitors and competitions made you proud of each of the kids and how they dealt with the wind. Comments, statements, lots of jokes, but I did not hear one complaint. Each kid gave it their best and it was inspiring to see the friendships initiate on a common thread...who was the wind going to blow over official, a coach, or a spectator. It goes to show that it is the competition, not always the results, that dominates the sport. Congratulations to all for surviving the wind and bringing great competition to the meet.
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