Tuesday, April 25, 2017

2017 Stanford XC Meet Cancelled-more from Stanford SID

April 25, 2017


Meet will return in 2018

STANFORD, Calif. – The 2017 Stanford Cross Country Invitational has been canceled because of a scheduling conflict, but will return in 2018.

The meet, which includes college and high school divisions, is among the largest in Northern California, with 14 races and more than 3,000 runners. The meet annually is scheduled on a Saturday in late September or early October. This year, it was October 1.

The target date for 2017 was September 30. However, that is the same date as Stanford’s home football game against Arizona State. Because of the demands on Stanford operations staff and local law enforcement, there was not enough manpower available for two large campus sporting events on a football gameday.

Because students make up a large portion of the meet workforce, the September 23 date was not available because classes have yet to start. And October 7 was not workable because of the spacing of Stanford’s cross country schedule.

The meet has been held annually since 1974.

For more information, contact:

David Kiefer
Athletics Communications
Stanford University


Anonymous said...

And you can't hold it on a Friday or Monday because the Stanford xc team, that doesn't run this meet anyways, has a workout planned that day. $20 it does NOT return in 2018. Any takers?

Anonymous said...

USF should jump on this and hold a big meet in Golden gate park. I would say Cal, but you know how that ends.

Anonymous said...

Golden Gate Park sucks. Find a flat, fast golf course and invite the big dogs.

Anonymous said...

Wait. Two universities involved in athletics vs around 21 universities and, oh, 228 high schools. Hey, I have a better idea. Cancel the game that only involves two teams!

"Because students make up a large portion of the meet workforce, the September 23 date was not available because classes have yet to start. And October 7 was not workable because of the spacing of Stanford’s cross country schedule."

Folks, face it, it's about $$$$.

Want a big flat course? Go to Sacramento's Haggin Oaks Golf Complex. Oh, wait again. They have one, the Capital Cross Challenge, probably gonna be around October 7. I'm sure some will say that sucks, too, but ya just never can please everybody, right?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Cal Poly will step up. It's more centrally located anyway.

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