Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Clovis Invitational Start Lists

Check out which NorCal teams will be duking it out against some of the best individuals and teams in California. You can find the complete lists of races and teams at this LINK.


Anonymous said...

I believe many of the same teams at Clovis will be warming up at Stanford a week prior. My question is, does Stanford allow lower division runners to run up in seeded race? I recall in years past, some of the smaller school runners elected to run with their teams, so you had the strongest teams in the seeded race, but the top individuals sprinkled across the divisions. This year (not sure in years past) it seems that Clovis has made a concerted effort to get the top teams and individual runners to the Clovis seeded race, just curious if Stanford is doing the same? Anyone?

Albert Caruana said...

Any individual and/or team can petition to run in the seeded race at Stanford.

Anonymous said...

When does the Stanford start list come out? Any news on Toro and the endless fire?

Albert Caruana said...

The Stanford deadline is September 25th and typically, the teams competing will be posted mid week before Stanford weekend (next week).

As for Toro Park, I believe CCS will make an announcement soon in regards to the section course.

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