Tuesday, April 29, 2014

CCS Bylaws and Participation Bulletin posted and updated...



This was the note from the CCS office:
Attached you will find an updated set of bylaws and Participant Bulletin for the 2014 CCS Track & Field Championships.  Unfortunately, these documents were originally posted with the WRONG CCS AT-LARGE MARKS!  (The marks reflected in the previous documents were not updated from 2013)   I have now updated both the bylaws and the Bulletin to reflect the correct at-large marks for this year. 


Anonymous said...

Can someone explain how and why at-large times for CCS qualifying where changed yesterday when they are supposed to be an average of the last three years? Did they make a calculating error in the first list or are they projecting that there will be too many qualifiers at the original times?

Anonymous said...

Well that's nice. Nothing like training for one time only to hve it switched right before the league semis start. Good work CCS.

pmccrystle said...

This was on oversight on the part of the CCS. They simply re-posted last year's marks! If you look at last year, the ones that were originally posted for this year are exactly the same. Luckily, somebody somewhere noticed that, and so now we have the correct times/marks. A little bit easier in the 1600/3200, a little tougher in the 400/800...

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