2014 Arcadia Invitational Results
Most impressive NorCal effort this weekend? Sprints? Hurdles? Distance? Field? Relays? Throws?
Most impressive NorCal effort this weekend? Sprints? Hurdles? Distance? Field? Relays? Throws?
Posted by
Albert Caruana
4/13/2014 01:46:00 AM
Labels: 2014 Track and Field
Vacaville HS girls' 4 x 100m. Hurdles team for setting a new national record (57.17). Next question?
Next question "Most impressive NorCal effort this weekend for a traditional T&F events and is not an one-off event - Sprints? Distance? Field? Relays? Throws?
Its doesn't trump a national record by the Vaca girls but great to see both Huxham and Hurlock under 9:00. Haney's last 800 in the 3200 was very impressive...I had him in something like 1:58h.
No question that a national record is very impressive and is duly noted. There were however other outstanding marks such as Maddy Price's 53.43 which is the 2nd fastest 400m. in CCS history.
What else? Most surprising mark?
National Record means NO ONE has ever run faster in history. That is going pretty tough to beat.
National Record! Enough said. What other marks?
Huxham dropped 8:55! The real question is whether he will compete at MOC in the 1600 or the 3200. Or even both!
I think Huxham will have to choose events. The NCS 3200 is as deep as it's ever been and an off day at NCS could net you a non state meet qualifying finish. Remember that he ran 8:55 at Arcadia fresh. Also, if you qualify to the state meet in both events, you will have to run trials in 1600, on Friday, 1600 final (if you qualify) and then the 3200 final.
1600-3200 double was No problem for Haney last year :-)
I thought the question was about Huxham.
Do people who comment in these threads have any other interest in track besides the 3200 and sometimes the 1600? Bosco Bapuopeleh from Stuart Hall, a D5 school ran 10.91 and 22.18 faring well against sprinters from the ss sections.
A disclaimer: I'm not associated with Stuart Hall. I just think his times were impressive and should be noted.
Those are really good times. The 100 is ranked 5th at the moment while his 200 is ranked 3rd in NCS.
why did Robinson no show three invitational races.. some kids really missed out on an opportunity. Bed manners! unless she got hurt going down there.
What happened to Sarah Baxter? Wasn't she originally on the heat sheet for the 3200?
How about SMB 3:50 1600 relay win with ease in thevseed race. They should had been in the invitation heat, where they would had run even faster!
I haven't heard any news about Baxter and why she missed the 3200 Invitational race. I believe she had won the race the previous 3 years.
@ 9:25am
In my opinion, Haney's last 800 was not impressive at all - in fact, it was disappointing as usual with him. He can finish in 1:58 or whatever it is, because he's not trying the whole race and just outkicks everyone at the end - like he does in every single race.
It seems to me that he has the capability of running something very fast, maybe 8:35 even, but he never cares to push himself and go for time. He just sits and kicks every time instead of pushing himself. Very upsetting to be honest. I would have loved to see him push the pace from the gun to see what he can do. He didn't even run through the finish line. He pulled away from the field, got a large gap, and then just cruised in the last 30-40 meters of the race as if he could care less what his time is. And that was his PR too! That's disrespecting the sport in my opinion. Why doesn't he go all out? At State, you know he's going to double so this seems like a perfect opportunity to go for time...
@ 6:21
I'm not sure if you were there or not, but I was. Haney's entire final 800m was going strong. He kicked it in impressively and the only reason the race was going slow during the middle is because nobody wanted to take control.
Yes, Haney's entire last 800 was strong (except the final 30-40 meters).
However, as I said in the 6:21 pots, he was only able to go that fast because the pace for the first 6 laps was way too slow for him.
"Because nobody wanted to take control". This is exactly my point. Haney is a level above everyone in that race, and he needs to take control himself. He shouldn't be waiting to 600 to go to take the lead for the first time in the race. He should be taking the lead from the beginning and setting the pace himself since he is capable of running way faster than everyone in the race. But instead, he was content running everyone else's pace (and a pretty slow pace for everyone else as well, as I believe they were on pace for over 9 minutes with 800 to go), and as a result, ran a race that didn't at all show what he's capable of.
This is not a good performance! Good performers are people like Anna Maxwell - not afraid to push the pace from the very beginning, even if they're running alone. Blake Haney is not this type of runner.
lol Garrett^
I'd like to remind the anonymous posters that the most important stat in track & field is not time, but place.
I have no problem with someone racing to win at a top level meet like Arcadia. I think this is something lost at the top level. Just today the criticism of the London Marathon is that races have turned into time trial record attempts and not races which are boring. While a race set up for time has its place I don't feel like it has a place in meets like this.
Also boys and girls fields vary greatly. Boys have a greater depth of field and one cannot simply run from the gun, they will get out kicked.
I appreciate Maxwell's running strategy but running like that is not going to be as successful at the next level but suicidal.
I'm sorry 6:21, but you sound ridiculous
when you're a junior in high school and you run a 3:44 1500M, you've proved yourself. no need go all out if you can win. Obviously he won't be able to do that for his college career, so he might as well practice closing fast BECAUSE THATS HOW DISTANCE RACES ARE RUN. A disrespect to the sport? Cheserek running 28:51 at Stanford last weekend was a total disrespect to the sport too huh? Not everything's a time trial
The point of a race is not to run fast. The point is to win. People don't go to the Olympics to run fast, they go to win. If you had any other intention you are a complete idiot. So Garret or 6.21 it's time to grow up buddy and get over the fact that he is better than you and most of the nation at the moment. Look at Galen Rupp, the best American distance runner. His times are okay but his ability to win is phenomenal and makes him one of the best in the world. So it's time you stop trashing Blake.
The point of a race is to win? That is complete and utter BS. There is only one person in the race that is the best. So basically you are saying that nobody else has any reason to run? And I'm the idiot? So when a 16:30 boy toes the line at the State Championships in XC, he is supposed to go out there and try to win the race? And if he can't win, he's unsuccessful? And I'm the idiot? No. A 16:30 boy knows he has no chance of winning the race, and he goes out there and gives it everything he has and does the best he can do for himself, going for a PR, or going for whatever it is - place is really meaningless because that is dependent on the skill level of others.
What about Huxham and Hurlock? They didn't win so they accomplished nothing? Are you serious? Only one person in every race is the best. The other people in the race don't necessarily have to have a goal of winning the race. The one common goal that every single person in the race should have is to run to the absolute best of their ability. If someone does that, it doesn't whether their 3200 is a 8:40 or a 12:40, they get a sense of accomplishment out of knowing they gave it their all. I have never seen Blake do that (I'm sure he did do that in the race he ran 3:44 in, but I have never seen him do this in a California race). I have seen him sit and kick every single time, never giving it everything he's got.
And Maxwell has great strategy. She knows that when she is the top in the field, she has to push the pace herself. At Arcadia, she knew she wasn't the best in the field, and she let Efraimson go after the 1st lap. She raced smart, and didn't try to stick with Efraimson which would've been suicidal as you said. She ran her own pace which was exactly what she needed to do.
Blake Haney does not know how to run his own pace.
If the only point of a race was to win, then there would be no clock.
You saying that the point of a race is to win is disrespecting the other 149 people in a 150 person XC race. You're basically saying that they have no reason to run because they're not good enough to win. WHY WOULD THEY BE OUT THERE THEN??? THEY KNOW THAT THEY CAN"T WIN! Because they have personal goals that are almost always related to time.
Ok, let's take a deep breath. Obviously both of you will not agree on this topic so let's leave it at that. You have both made your points.
Albert, will there be a post with a list of all the top NorCal performances at Arcadia ?
Why were there so few runners in the events? Seems like half the fields didn't show up. Is this normal?
place > time. always. regardless of how fast you arel
You're right. 8:44 PM and 9:33 PM both made their points.
I totally agree with 9:33 PM. I will never win a race, but I may still run a PR. All I can hope for is to do my best.
An interesting fact: Anna Maxwell and Bethan Knights now both have faster 1600 and 3200 times than Sarah Baxter.
Maxwell missed the CCS 3200 record by less than a second.
Skyline girl, second in invitational 100 & Kurtz in the 400
Lots of great individual performances (Price,Kurtz, Haney) and the Vacaville girls shuttle relay was awesome to see in person.
Not to be overlooked is the Boys 4x400M team from Hercules. 2nd place in the invitational 4x400 race with a 3:15.5 is extremely impressive!
I agree with Doug on the Hercules 4x4. That was definitely one of the marks that I saw from the meet that made look twice.
If you check out the splits from the girl's 3200 (or watched online) you'll see that Anna Maxwell took a real shot at catching Efraimson with about 800 to go, but ran out of gas the last 200.
Anna Maxwell is one gutsy runner.
Acalanes boys 4x400m race was impressive. I did not expect them to be that fast
Love the passion in the posts. Everyone has great points.
Arcadia is a huge Meet - pretty much the National 3200m Championship.
The way it plays out every year is that about 3-5 guys are trying to win, while the rest are gunning for PR's and state records. Nothing wrong with any of those motives (having realistic goals is smart).
No way Blake was going to risk a suicide pace and have the pack swallow him back up, like it almost did a more dominant Efraimson. Nobody knew going in, including Blake, that he was 5 seconds better than the field.
Exciting race with a great finish (by the way - not sure going from500m out is considered "sit and kick". He could have probably avoided throwing up in the infield after the race by waiting for the last 100m)
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