Saturday, September 14, 2013

Northern California Results for Saturday, September 14th

Chieftain Invitational Results NEW
Ed Sias Invitational Results
Lowell Invitational Results
Stevenson Invitational Results
Viking Opener Invitational Results (Scroll down for boys and girls results)
Sac Hornet Jamboree Results

More will be added as I receive them.  Please email me any results you may have to

Most impressive individual performance today?  Team performance?  Surprises?  


Anonymous said...

gabe arias oooooooooou killem

Anonymous said...

any results from chieftain? i know they are on xcstats already

Anonymous said...

disregard above comment

Anonymous said...

I just see some multicolored html under Chieftain... are the results coming soon? Thanks very much!

Anonymous said...

If you scroll down past the html stuff the results are all there

Anonymous said...

Bellarmine fields a different team for each varsity race at Lowell Invite and wins both races. That's depth.

Anonymous said...

Race of the day - varsity small school battle between goltra and arias at the finish.

Anonymous said...

Freshman Julia Bounds looked good in her first 5K at Lowell. Second fastest varsity girls time and finishing strong only 3 seconds behind Sarah Robinson.

Andrew said...

Where is McCandless from Granada? Granada's quest for a 4-peat at NCS is looking in danger with Monte Vista's crop of freshmen girls.

Anonymous said...

DeLaSalle's dominance at Ed Sias - 1,2,3 for varsity boys. Hurlock's 9.42 new record for a tough two mile course is quite impressive.

Anonymous said...

Gabe Arias would have won by a long shot had he not had such a rough time with the bottle neck start. He had to do a lot of catching up half way through the race. Definitely keep an eye out for him to achieve great things this season

Anonymous said...

10:25 - Lowell is not a 5k, it is 2.93 miles.
Also I noticed that the teams and times at Lowell this year were noticeably more competitive this year. Great performances from Bellarmine.

Anonymous said...

Bellarmine as usual threw down some fast times on a ridiculously fast course. Their times from Earlybird weren't that stellar though, I wonder if they were just taking that easy or something.

Anonymous said...

Where is Michael Wang of Acalanes?

Anonymous said...

@12:05, I don't think it was an indicative race for either athlete, since it was so early in the season. Pretty clear from how quickly Goltra was able to build up speed that he had an extra tank that he otherwise wouldn't have tapped into for this early race.

Anonymous said...

The alternate course at Ed Sias had a huge start line with a tiny bottleneck 100m out; Campo was given a slot with a direct line and SJND very wide to the right. Poor starting setup and not the proverbial level playing field. Definitely a course flaw, but life goes on. Arias-Sheridan definitely ran the gutsier race.

Anonymous said...

Where was Julia Maxwell?

Anonymous said...

mildly suprised at del campo. Thought they were the team to beat in he section, but davis and jesuit are looking impressive

Anonymous said...

Strong showing from the 2013 NCS MOC boys 3200m participants. Their impressive track seasons have paid dividends to a very good start to this cross country season

Anonymous said...

O'Dowd looked really strong on the boys and girls side

Anonymous said...

Fast = short course.

2.93 is far from accurate.

Anonymous said...

De La Salle boys and the St. Francis girls definitely showed off a couple of the best 1-2-3 trios in the state at Ed Siais

Anonymous said...

if the lowell course is short and isn't 2.93 miles, then what is it?

Anonymous said...

^ just a guess but id say 2.71.

Anonymous said...


That is no "tough" 2 mile race.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't The Chieftain Invitational have a combined team results like most other meets. The Mitty girls were listed first in the results yet Aptos had their 5th runner in before Mitty's 2nd if you look at the times of all three races.

Anonymous said...

Why do so many people keep trying to compare apples and oranges for cross country using course converters and with comments that courses were easy or short ? Just give the kids credit for how they run head to head and where they place relative to other runners on the same course under similar conditions.

Anonymous said...

Mitty is listed first because Mitty won the race. Aptos girls didn't field a scoring team in any race. Aptos only ran 7 girls and split them between the varsity race and the frosh soph race. I challenge you to name a meet that has a varsity division yet uses combined times from lower divisions to determine the winner. One could also argue that Mitty should be credited for the JV girls team win as well since they were beaten by Buhach Colony which didn't enter anybody in the varsity race.

Seriously coaches, if you go to an invitational could you please put your 7 best runners in the varsity race?

Anonymous said...

Best performances from Chieftain?
Best performances from Lowell?

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous 1:32pm...I don't recall that blocks were assigned at Ed Sias. There was no advantage given to one team

Anonymous said...

Lowell races are fast because it's a flat course...
Plus keep in mind that the length of the F/S races are only 2.13 miles.

Anonymous said...

Golden Gate with the poor footing is slow. It's short.

But as one already said you race your race, comparing times and conditions is a futile endeavor.

Anonymous said...

Bellarmine 2 - Carlmont 0

Anonymous said...

8:52 totally agree!!

Anonymous said...

to: 5:21 PM (an obvious Mitty fan)....The Early Bird Invitational had combined results.
The fact is the 5th Aptos runner was ahead of Mitty's # 2. I challenge YOU to dispute that!
Normally I wouldn't challenge anyone, but you boldly threw out the "challenge" word.
I must admit I am a SCAAL fan.
(Aptos, SLV, SV, Santa Cruz)

Anonymous said...

What Harbor gets no love?

Anonymous said...

The Early Bird Invitational had combined results because it was a grade level meet and somebody merged the files for fun. It did not have a varsity division. In fact, it should be noted that the combined results weren't even used to determine the overall winner! Madra South had the best combined results but that's not how that meet is scored, which is why Bellermine was the overall winner for the boys.

Still waiting to hear about the meet where the winner of the varsity division does not get the title because of faster runners in lower levels. No such thing exists. Yes Aptos #5 was faster than Mitty #2, but if you don't put 5 kids in the varsity race, you don't win the varsity race.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, jeez I've heard rumors that Soquel has a five man roster and fully plans on utilizing them. And only some of them wear boardshorts for running. Jokes aside though, I think it's not really fair to base everything in cross country off of time and pore over results. that's what track is for, and the very reason so many kids look forward to cross season; for real racing. In regards to sandbagging kids in frosh/soph, there's something to be said about coaches that want their runners with some talent to feel some individual achievement very early on. And if that's the choice that the coaches want to make over chasing team podiums/plaques, then that's their choice. As an example, Aptos boys could have moved just one guy up and placed their team 2nd over Leland, just as the girls could have and won. Instead, they got some medals to bring home for the younger kids and been content missing out on the hardware at THE palma chieftain invite.

Nils said...

To Anonymous 8:36, the Ed Sias race start had each team lined up in a certain position, in sort of a "fan", relative to the midline, which had the shortest path to the bottlneck. A team at the far right or left had to run farther to reach the bottlneck 100 yds out, than the team in the middle. Then there was a long stretch of narrow, crowded trail where passing was very hard. So the middle-of-the-"fan" teams had a starting advantage over those off to one side.

But I'm not griping because SJND runners ran great regardless, as did O'Dowd. And Goltra won fairly, though a heartbreaker for Gabe Arias! I foresee a great season.

Anonymous said...

Just a note about Earlybird...
For many years we only gave awards out to teams and individuals based solely on their grade level races and the fact that they were able to field 5 kids in each race to score as a team. The idea is to reward teams that get out there and recruit and build big teams. We want as many kids as possible enjoying cross country and our meet format is thus set up. The Earlybird gets the worm...
We've also always given the biggest plaque to the team that scores the best across all 8 races... therefore they are the top overall program... the way it works is that if you win a race you get 10pts, 2nd 8pts, etc...We combine all those points and the last few years Bellarmine has been scoring 40 points by winning 4 races and winning the overall title easily without even fielding a girls' team...
Finally, the last few years I added a couple of plaques to reward the fastest team times based on a merge of all the races. I thought this would be a great way to reward elite teams that come and have 5 blazzing kids when it's all said and done. Team time is the easiest way to merge scores in a big meet without having to decided how to score the meet. I do realize team time doesn't always reflect true team results when racing head to head but it keeps things simple in a 3 ring circus meet :)
Anyway, Madera South boys and SLV girls have been fastest top 5 the last few years...
We'll see how long these 3 teams can keep the streaks going!
Have a great 2013 and we'll see you all on the trails!
Coach Ibarra
Earlybrid Meet Director
North Monterey County

Albert Caruana said...

You don't have team box assignments at most invitationals. That means that the teams first to the starting line have their pick of the best starting spot(s).

pmccrystle said...

Gus/Earlybird=best meet around...the students feel like XC is a big time sport with announcers, podium, music' always well run!

A note on Lowell: I split Garrett Corcoran from Villa Park in Anaheim at around 4:35 at the mile and 9:35 at the two mile (he ran 4:10 in the 1600 last year), and then his dad told me he eased up in the last mile to run 14:21...which reminded me how incredible John Lawson/Sir Francis Drake was last year: 14:08!!!

Anonymous said...

To Nils @8:24

Gabe Arias-Sheridan from my vantage point and photos he is about a half-step in front of Goltra. I'm not sure where your view was from, but they gave Goltra the benefit of the doubt.

I am not sure about the start either. They chose their spot it was a matter of the starter not being clear that the race was starting. The announcer was talking

Anonymous said...

@10:08, please don't say things like that, it does nothing but stir unnecessary controversy. Several parents have photos of Goltra leaning in front of Arias at the finish line, the only reason there was speculation was because Coach Chuck, who was announcing, couldn't see the finish line from up on the hill. If you ask Arias himself, he can confirm these facts. Arias ran an excellent race and may very well end up having a better season, but Goltra didn't win a ring by getting out-kicked (literally). Goltra and Arias are both elite runners, they don't need biased officiating to win and can handle an early season loss with grace. Stop going out of your way to be spurious.

Anonymous said...

to Nils at 8:24am - what you describe is the sport of racing and each and every cross country course poses "potential" course advantages/disadvantages. Get over trying to make excuses!

Nils said...

Excuse me Anon at 11:20 I was not making excuses for anyone. I was describing the race as I could see it from the hill. If I were making excuses I would have said something like "Gabe would have won except for the starting conditions" or something like that, which I did not.

There will be races coming up where competition will be even fiercer, such as Stanford and Mt. SAC. I'm looking forward to them, not backward, as I hope we all are.

Anonymous said...

If this was a post season race, ya i would get all the controversy about the goltra, arias finish, but ed sias? Really? it one of the first races of the season. Both runners ran outstanding. If you want to talk about who had the best performance it was definitely hurlock and his teammates of de la salle

Anonymous said...

To anon 8:24: If had not been for Goltra/Arias race there surely wouldn't be this much interesting dialogue. No disrespect to Hurlock but who wants to see a race where someone wins by 20 something seconds

Anonymous said...

Lets just take a moment to appreciate those who did not finish with insanely fast times. Great job to all who raced over the weekend. Everyone raced great and it shows how cross country is a sport for everyone. It doesn't matter if you are fast or slow.

Nils said...

I want to second Anon 8:55 PM- and if you were at Ed Sias, and probably all the other events, there was excitement over *all* the finishers. Not only is this a good season start as far as times go, it was great to hear all the enthusiasm and encouragement from the crowd.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, no comments on the Hornet Jamboree, so I'll open the can!

Fiona O'Keeffe's (Davis Sr.) 17:36 true 5k time was impressive, as well as Paul Zeiss' 15:22.

Sac State Women's Top 6 across the line was complete dominance.

Anonymous said...

Anon re: Hornet and Granite Regional - can't disagree with Fiona and Davis SR Girls. Look strong.

But didn't they change the courses a couple of years ago so that 2 mile fr/soph course was actually 2 miles (short before) and the 5k actually 5k (long before)? I could be mistaken but I recall a race there in 2010 or so with the Var doing a modified double loop around the lake and using the back levee hill - or so I thought. Could be wrong though.

Ghpadd said...

As per questions on the Hornet Jamboree course length:
There is no such thing as a certified 5K cross country course due to the changes/wearing of paths, new ruts, new protrusions, etc. Unless the course is within a boundary to the left and right, and CANNOT change over time, the courses will lengthen or shorten over time. All courses are pretty close to what they are billed as, or the meet directors would catch he** for it from coaches. So, do not worry that the course is exactly the same from year to year...none are. However, unless there are significant changes to a course, the times can be casually compared from year to year to gauge the level of effort and competition. But, XC is not a track and that is why we love the sport!

Anonymous said...

Agreed davis looked very impressive. Can't wait for the showdown between st Francis and Davis at yolo championships.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 11:23

Couldn't tell you if it has change pre-2010. For the 5k, after the start and climing up the levee, they cross it, drop down, and head out on the loop. There are two smaller loops to the right, and then back out on the bigger loop. Once that is accomplished, they head back out and go right on the smaller loop only, and back up the levee to the finish. This link will take you to a Google Earth map that shows it.


True. Of course, even on a track, depending on positioning in the lane, what lane the runner is in, the distance may not be exact either.

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