Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Woodward Park 5k Cross Country Course Tour thanks to Jesuit coach, Walt Lange


Anonymous said...

So excited to go down and support a group of boys who have worked so hard to reach their goals and make the sacrifices necessary to get there. As much as I am totally biased in wanting to see my son's team do well, every kid that makes it to state has their own story. If you want to get some serious goosebumps, hang out by the tent where they do the awards ceremony and see what dreams coming true looks like. Congrats to all the teams and coaches who will be running this weekend, it's quite an accomplishment and I am looking forward to seeing some amazing things on Saturday.

Ms Selena said...

Such sweet, thoughtful sentiments. Hear hear!

Anonymous said...

I agree. It is the best spectacle in any CA state championship in any sport, period! If you got there as an individual, the 5th runner, or as the last man - every kid should be proud of the hard work they put in and take one last "victory lap" for the season. Good luck to all!!

Andrew said...

You all are much more nice than the commenters who bash the Oakland and SF Section runners. I like you guys more. Agree with the sentiments. Good luck to all the racers and teams down there. Enjoy the rare cool weather, and probably my favorite line - enjoy spending your Thanksgiving weekend in Clovis.

Anonymous said...

Very excited for this weekend....and love the positive comments. I'm happy to give up the Thanksgiving weekend for such a positive experience...it could be worse! We were a multiple player/coach basketball family...three teams, three leagues, one HS, two CYO teams. We gave up Thanksgiving week AND Christmas for tournaments for several years. It was a happy day to reclaim one of the holidays! Ahhh the life of a sports fan....Good luck to all teams and runners!

Anonymous said...

Is someone bringing a drone? If so, hope they video the D3 races.

Anonymous said...

The Jesuit guys have a drone. Is it allowed at state?

Anonymous said...

Better to ask for forgiveness...

Anonymous said...

The drone that was used to film SJ sections for Jesuit is a students who isn't a part of the team. It would be a big ask to have him drive 3+ hours each way to come down and do it out of the goodness of his heart. I think they've touched on some of the potential for the technology, which would be incredible for cross country, a sport where competitions cover a wide area. Hopefully we'll see more use of the drones, because I, along with many others, feel that it shows races in a dynamic way that just isn't possible with fixed video.

Anonymous said...

Can it do live feed to a phone? If so, there could be a business there, especially at meets where you currently only see the runners a few times.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that the drone has that capability, but since it beams the image down to an iPad, it seems like it would capable of that.

One thing I have done personally is use Meerkat (or Periscope) apps to live stream meets when my son's mother was traveling so that she could see the meet as it happens. It's just off my phone, so it's not the highest quality, but I was surprised to see that several of the other parents logged on to see the races I live-casted. I think this is something we will see on a more professional scale in the near future.

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