Thursday, November 02, 2017

St. Francis Varsity Boys rock WCAL final

Nationally ranked St. Francis, Mt. View boys continue to make their case for the best Central Coast Section team ever. At yesterday's WCAL final, the boys ran the 3rd fastest team time ever on the historic Crystal Springs course. You can check out the all-time lists (thanks to Hank Lawson) at this LINK. Bellarmine had won 10 league titles in a row starting in 2007 when the individual league champion was St. Francis senior, Phil Pompei (current St. Francis head coach).

Also, from the SCCAL, Aptos girls upset Santa Cruz girls 32-33. You can read all about that effort at this LINK.


Anonymous said...


pmccrystle said...

I truly wish all fans of CCS Cross Country could have been at Crystal yesterday to see what in my opinion is the greatest team in CCS history: the 2017 St. Francis Lancers. Much ii-informed back-and-forth internet noise back and forth as to how and why, but had you been there what you would have seen was 7 outstanding high school athletes who had dedicated themselves to a goal, used hard work and commitment to achieve that goal, and did it with grit and class and humility...the word is overused, but it was in fact awesome. If you are a fan of the sport, I would try to make it to Toro on the 11th at 3:15 to see the Lancers run.

Anonymous said...

Is there a complete list of times of races at Toro?

Albert Caruana said...

Anonymous said...

Is should also be noted that the Saint Francis team ran this insane time with only 1 senior, while the other 6 are still only sophomores and juniors!!! This team has one hell of a future! Go Lancers.

Coach Ibarra NMC said...

Wow! Great efforts on both ends. St Francis putting together quite the season!!! Go get a state title and NXN bid! So impressive on the fron end of the team all the way back to #7! Very nice!!! Aptos girls always putting together things late in season and making their presence known when it counts! Great job to both!

Ron Ernst said...

You are one heck of a class act Mr. McCrystle. A lot of folks can learn from you and, thankfully, a lot of young men are doing just that. St. Francis has some great men coaching them as well and I love seeing CCS teams tear up the courses. Wish that the leagues were established in such a way that SF and Bell would battle it out at CCS from a selfish standpoint of loving to see great races. Good luck to everyone at CCS and States.

Anonymous said...

McCrystal is a top notch coach and great human being. Saint Francis does an amazing job but I don’t think humility is the term I’d apply to that school.

Hank said...

Ron, Something you might find interesting (now that you called Patrick, Mr McCrystle), back in the day when Patrick was a young buck winning road races in the area, us "oldtimers" referred to him as "The Kid", someone we didn't want to see at the starting line for then the race was for 2nd. Just sounded funny, you calling him "Mr".


Rob Collins said...

Amazing, those are ridiculous times on Crystal Springs course by Saint Francis boys, then I see the sub 16 from them on the JV results! Great job Saint Francis!

Ron Ernst said...

Dang these message boards are getting mean, thanks for calling me old Hank. Let's focus on the kids. :)

Anonymous said...

@5:53 I hope you are referencing the school in general (however wrong) and not the young men who ran yesterday. If you knew the SF guys, you would know they are both dedicated and humble. Their coach demands nothing less. Coach Patrick is a class act and an asset to NorCal running. He congratulated the SF guys yesterday and was genuinely happy for the progress the sport is making! This is why many of us choose WCAL schools for our sons.

Anonymous said...

Just INSANE JOB by the Lancers and class act as always Coach Patrick...I love the competitive yet respectful nature of both of these teams and coaches...Wishing both of them well at CCS and State...There are tons of NorCal teams & individuals that are making a lot of noise in the top national rankings...Hope to see them at NXN as well!

Go NorCal Distance Running!!!!

Anonymous said...

pat McCrystals is THE best cosch in CCS, hands up. maybe even US? belermine boys look stron EVER YEAR. truely Humble man and look at his suces with Meike!

Congragution to the belermine team on a cool cosch , and congragution to sain franics on the WVals yester, day.

Albert Caruana said...

I was hesitant about approving above comment about St. Francis and humility but didn't want to leave the first part about coach McCrystle out. I am certain that comment definitely does not apply to their cross country team. What they are doing now is due to a lot of hard work by students and coaches and the recognition they are getting now is well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how the NXN teams are chosen and if SF has a chance to make it?

Anonymous said...

I still don’t see the WCAL3 meet times listed on Does anyone know why some meets get posted immediately and others take a lot longer, and some not at all?

Anonymous said...

When do the CCS meet entries come out?

Albert Caruana said...

CCS Entries are due Monday at noon. I am sure they will be posted shortly after that.

Coach Tim said...

@9:28 - probably requires meet directors to upload results, and it may or may not be a priority for them. I've never done it for XC, but in Track it's a pain in the butt.

Albert Caruana said... requires the timer or coach to post results. You have to be a "supporter" to the site to do so. Sean Laughlin, who is one of the best timers in the country, tried to upload our league results and couldn't do so.

On MileSplit, you email them and they post them for you. So much easier.

Anonymous said...

Mile split doesn't have WCAL2 or WCAL3 posted yet either. Can someone contact the timer/coach to ask them to upload the results to both sites? A lot of the team and individual rankings depend on the times being posted. That could impact the NXN choices since Rich gets to decide and his bias is toward the SS.

Albert Caruana said...

If WCAL 2 and 3 are not posted, I will make sure they are on MileSplit. Thanks for letting me know.

Anonymous said...

WCAL 2 & 3 will have absolutely ZERO influence on NXN. It is all state.

Albert Caruana said...

That is correct in that the state meet will be the strongest determining factor for qualifying for NXN as a team. For individuals, the top 5 fastest times will advance to NXN unless they choose to go the Foot Locker route.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Rich pick the at-large teams for NXN? If he just uses the fastest team times from the state meet, there is no discretion and no need for Rich to decide. How are the CA teams chosen?

Albert Caruana said...

I believe the top 20 teams are set apart and the meet is rescored. The top 2 teams are then the auto advancers to NXN. Once the auto qualifiers are determined, a committee filled with people from all around the country determine the at large qualifiers.

Pierre Chan said...

Anyone coach can upload results via but they are processed faster if the coach is a supporter. If you are not a supporter it takes a few days to be marked 'official'. became the predominant site for its ease of use and free entries, but I dislike how they have started to gouge meet hosts (most of their site supporters) for revenue. If you are good with excel is great for record keeping.

Hank said...

Anyone can load results into, you do not have to be a Site Supporter to load results. If you are a Site Supporter then will load approve the results quicker (almost instantly) versus a non-Site Supporter (could be a week or more). You just have to get the results in the correct load format (they like excel files the best) and that's what takes the time, alot of trial & error to get it correct.


Anonymous said...

Is someone working on loading WCAL 2 & 3 into Those results now show on Milesplit but are not yet up on

Pierre Chan said...

WCAL 2 & 3 should appear on soon.

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