An update from CIF office:
Statement Regarding 2020 Fall Sports and Return to Physical Activity/Training
Statement Regarding 2020 Fall Sports and Return to Physical Activity/Training
Posted by
Albert Caruana
6/13/2020 03:39:00 PM
Labels: 2020 Cross Country
Just read the guidelines on return to physical activity. According to the CIF's "phase two" guidelines, no teams would be able to get in contact with each other. Do you know how they define "phase two" and what that means for competition this fall with the possibility of a second wave?
For sports to happen students need to be at school. Considering the current rise in cases and the majority of local school districts planning to open with distance learning or hybrid I don’t see sports happening except for the rare school district that might be open. But then who will they compete against? A decision is coming from CIF on July 20 but as one poster said on another thread, don’t count on starting before November and even then I’d be very surprised at any state championship. How can you justify a gathering of 10,000+ for HS sports? My guess is things will be kept at a local level if they are even allowed at all. I mean CCS has 8 counties and a ton of school districts all with different restrictions to navigate. Not to mention will public parks even allow large gatherings?
Small meets and no spectators. Just athletes, coaches, and officials. So maybe there will be league competition and invitationals with limits on numbers and crossing borders. Small regional postseason, no sections or state. Better than nothing.....
Has anyone gotten the ok to even meet with your athletes in small groups? Our AD said he is waiting for CIF guidelines, but then said he is waiting for district guidelines, so my hopes are dwindling....
DLS football has summer conditioning going on right now. Groups of 12.
CIF guidelines are out, but all schools have to follow the County guidelines, and their districts guidelines, and then their own schools willingness or ability to practice. In almost all cases, County and CIF guidelines match up in such a way that groups of 12 athletes with once coach can meet, under pretty strict protocols for social distancing. Plenty of schools are already working out; at Bellarmine, as of Monday, we have a small number of varsity-only water polo and football 'pods' working out. I decided to hold off on face-to-face XC practice until the middle of July, but I know of at least 4 other schools that are practicing, following the guidelines of their county, district, and administration.
You heard it here first:
If we have a season at all the season will start November at the earliest. No state meet this year. Section meet will solely depend if a public park will allow large gatherings, so my guess this won’t happen either. Most districts that go distance learning or hybrid will not field teams as this adds liability and is logistic nightmare (i.e. CDC guidelines for busses make going to meets almost impossible and expensive). While XC is considered “low risk” I don’t think most administrators have been to a big meet like early bird, let alone a meet like Mt. Sac. I don’t see how football is going to happen even with a September start as proposed. COVID cases are increasing in EVERY county in the CCS. We will be at best on campus part time and as the NCAA has said, if students aren’t on campus there’s no season. If there’s no football there’s no cross country.
My daughter received this message from UCLA this week. (Bullet points of the email)
We anticipate that 15% to 20% of courses will be offered on site or in hybrid format.
On-campus housing will be provided at lower population density, with some rooms set aside for quarantine or isolation.
Recommended infection control procedures will be in place on campus.
Daily symptom checks will be required for everyone coming to campus or living in campus housing.
UCLA will continue to offer a wide range of student and campus life activities as well as co-curricular programming, offered remotely as well as in-person with proper physical distancing and in accordance with public health guidelines.
As for my son's high school, we start CC practice next week with 10 kids to a group for training. So we are hopeful that we get some sort of season this year. We are in phase 3 in our county which ahead of most of the other Bay Area counties. Fingers crossed!
We received a letter today from our child’s school that the upcoming year will be a hybrid of in class instruction and distance learning. All students must have temperature checks to enter, wear face masks at all times, remain six feet apart or have a shield between them. All budding will be for special education only. They also said after school sports would be allowed but dependent on county regulations.
So there is hope for a season, whenever that may be.
Still a lot of questions... like what happens when a student has a fever but parents won’t pick them up? And with bussing one student, every other seat and primarily for special ed that severely limits competition. Not like you can hop in a school van either. And will kids only be allowed to practice the days they are at school?
Starting Monday athletes at San Benito HS can begin training in groups of 12-1. Athletes must be in masks before & after conditioning & coaches must wear masks at all times. No contact or sharing equipment allowed. Staggered start times and no gathering in groups before or after. Hand washing stations & temperature checks are mandatory daily. Athletes and coaches are placed in a cohort and can not change at any time. 6 feet distance required at all times. Maximum 90 min training session. All training must be outside, no indoor training allowed. Swimmers must have their own lane.
In America where we consider it our freedom to do what we want, when we want this will be a great experiment to see if thevrules will be followed by not only athletes but coaches as well. How does football or volleyball or any team sport train like this? No shared equipment, must be 6 feet apart at all times. You can’t even run plays or play catch. So every day is spaced out plyometics on the football field? You can’t even do a team break! Seems like a lot of work even for XC.
Two baseball teams just shut down training due to caronavirus. 49ers are catching it. If pros can keep from catching it and canceling training it’s not looking good for HS.
Not looking good for college either. 23 Clemson football players just tested positive as well. But colleges really rely on football revenue. You better bet that SEC could all be sick but will be out there. Roll Tide!
LSU has 30 athletes in quarantine. Kansas State shut down training. How can they continue with this like it’s no big deal?
Ok so some teams are allowed to start running and meetings with groups of 10-12. But requires daily temperature & Covid checks, masks, distance and all kinds of protocols. But why is there no talk about competition? Has anyone begun to make a plan? Has anyone tried to reserve parks or timers? Will each athlete entering a venue need to be checked like they do at school? How will kids get to the meet with no busses? If spectators aren’t allowed and parents only allowed to drive their child what about those who can’t grt there? How many will be allowed to compete? And will Belmont allow the use of Crystal with such a large number of athletes? The community will flip out?
So are we just like, “Yay we get to run,” but really no one is talking the hard issues to make the season really happen?
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