Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Stanford Invitational Entries now posted


You can find the complete meet preview at Feel free to comment below on any of the events and/or athletes that will be participating this weekend. (UPDATED)

All meet info can be found at this link (scroll down):

What has been the most impressive performance so far in the meet? Biggest surprise? 


Anonymous said...

Only 24 entries this year for the 1600? Did they decide to do only one heat? Advertised as 32 entries and I think that's what it's been in the past....

Albert Caruana said...

According to the time schedule, there are two heats.

Rob Collins said...

It looks like they downsized a lot of events over the years on the High school side, especially the distance events.

Peter Brewer said...

They posted the high school results late, and then pulled them with apologies for misformatting them. The accepted entries then re-appeared, with substantial reductions in the fields. Interesting.

Albert Caruana said...

What is currently posted is the correct amount of entries based on the time schedule and format that was posted earlier this season. Sean Laughlin was sent a file that I believe included all entries and he posted that. That was quickly taken down after the meet director was alerted and the correct version was posted late last evening.

An email was sent out by the meet director which explained what happened. In regards to the field sizes that Rob Collins mentioned, that is correct. There is now only one DMR race for boys and girls, 1 heat each for 3200 (formerly 3000) and 2 heats each for the 1600. In the past, it was 2 DMR heats each, two heats each for 3000 and 3 heats each for the 1600.

The Stanford Invitational is a great meet for mostly NorCal competitors. It's a tough balance for meet management to appease those competitors as well as their college and open fields. I just hope they will continue to have the HS portion of the meet.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure there were 2 heats of 16 runners (minus a couple of late scratches) last year in the mile, but maybe I’m just misremembering. I don’t remember there only being about 10 runners per heat last year (results show 30 boys and 29 girls). Do they really need to limit the field to only 12 runners per heat on a 9-lane track? My theory is that they inadvertently cut off the entries at 24 because that’s what they are doing for the other Distance events, and that they will correct that glitch soon.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to point out that their published info says 32 entries for the 1600, not 24....

Matthew Tompkins said...

You are correct, it states 32 runners. It would be great if they allowed the published number in. Two heats of 16 is definitely doable.

Anonymous said...

First XC soon it will be this meet. Time to move on folks, Stanford has gone down hill since Vin left. Only thing keeping this going is brand recognition.

Anonymous said...

Yes time to move on, the verfication process is not done well at all and several athletes that should have been granted a spot were not. Not sure how this happens, but doesn´t seem fair at all.

Anonymous said...

I'd keep an eye on the freshman from Harker in the girls 1600.

Anonymous said...

Coaches can enter whatever time they wish, and Stanford's verification process seems to be nonexistent. Can't believe this kind of unethical practice is condoned by the meet director, Jess Riden. Appalling.

Anonymous said...

19 teams allowed in the boys DMR when 18 was the cut. It’s anarchy or someone fudged their times. Can someone do an analysis to find out who lied?

Anonymous said...

I’d like to give a big thanks to the Stanford meet management for not letting any of my coaches know I’d scratched into the 3200. I found out this morning in class totally by accident. Another guy I was talking to today didn’t know that he had been added to the 1600 until I showed him, and if I hadn’t gotten lucky, neither of us would be racing because we weren’t told. Absolutely pathetic communication

Coach Tim said...

While not informing coaches that an athlete 'scratched in' to a meet may seem egregious, let's not forget there's almost 200 high school teams participating. It's a lot easier to expect coaches to follow-up by clicking a link than to contact dozens of them individually by email. Are you equally upset with your coach for not clicking the link that you did in class?

Regarding the DMR teams, it's possible that multiple teams had the same entry time. Would accepting 17 instead of 19 have been better or worse? Let's not assume that "it's anarchy or someone fudged their times." Isn't getting more teams in what we want anyway?

As for the meet director "condoning unethical practices," let's maybe try to consider how incredibly difficult the task is before we condemn a person we've never met. There's probably 50-100 entries for every single HS event, plus the entire college/invitational field. That's a lot of verification to attempt in a matter of days.

It's important to remember that this isn't a high profile HS Invitational, it's a college meet with a few high school events attached. Also, even though Stanford cultivates the air of perfection in every aspect, it's still an institution that's run by people. Mistakes and judgments are going to be made.

Good luck to all the competitors! I look forward to seeing some great competition.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not compared to Arcadia, or CIF Finals, but I'd classify those 1600 entries as high profile. Seeing the names Brewer, and Great Oak is just about all I need to know. There's some pretty good exposure that comes along with competing in this meet if you can get in.

Anonymous said...

We stopped going to Stanford and won’t be back. We will be headed to West Coast Relays at Buchanan HS. I agree that it is time to move on. They don’t really want HS athletes there anyways.

Anonymous said...

It’s clear that Stanford is phasing out the high school part of the meet and also their XC meet altogether (2018 will be the last year and is only happening bc they are hosting the Pac12 XC meet). While this is sad for the local high school runners, we should appreciate the fact that we had these meets for as long as we did, and take advantage of them as long as they exist.

Anonymous said...

The notion that with so many entries to review it's too hard to do it right is not an excuse. This meet has been going on since the 70s, and has been "done right" many times in the past. For one of the events for which I put in an entry for a student who did not get in, it took me a whopping 15 minutes to look up the times for the accepted athletes and confirm that they were faster than my student. It would have been less time if I had the data they submitted and I was just checking the veracity of the mark. Even with 100 entries, you could easily cut half or more of them off by not meeting the published standard, and then simply check the others and draw a line where you said you would. As a friend often says in certain situations, "What is this? Amateur hour?"

There are literally dozens of coaches and other people who would be more than happy to help the meet director figure it out - she could have simply asked for help by, say, asking a coach or two to handle the entries for one of the events, another coach or two for another event, and so on. The track & field community is awesome, and I know we will gladly help each other if necessary. I think the biggest problem this year was a complete lack of communication. When I inquired multiple times about an issue that I think was a simple error, I got zero response. I'm sure other people were contacting her, too, but was it really that hard to not simply take 30 seconds to send out a mass email saying "Sorry, people, I've received 300 emails in the past 2 days, so I will get back to you when I can."?

Anonymous said...

Arcadia entries?

Anonymous said...

Thursday 9pm and still no Arcadia entries. Why is this so hard to do? People have flights and hotels to arrange and this undue intrigue is not necessary.

Anonymous said...

Did Arcadia list when entries will be posted? It is usually the week before sometime between Friday and Sunday.

Regarding Stanford they lack the big vision Vin had. They are cutting the HS meets and dropped the post collegiate club they had there. It was the place to go as a runner. Now they made a name for themselves they are like that tired restaurant that overcharges for their signature dish that was popular 30 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that the Arcadia event numbers changed yesterday? I assume the new schedule event numbers and times are correct and the event numbers in the accepted entry lists will be adjusted accordingly. Do we know when that will happen?

Albert Caruana said...

I believe the event numbers alongside the entries were correct. It was the schedule that had the wrong event numbers.

Anonymous said...

Since my son is currently listed in the girl’s mile, I assume the numbers are off somewhere. Question-if the numbers are off, how do you know what race you are in and how can you figure out what to scratch by tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Rich is notorious for moving the goalposts when it comes to schedules. Ever follow his XC top 100 preseason rankings? The first 30 teams get done and then all the rest are marked “coming soon.” Only if soon is never. Good luck to everyone in whatever Arcadia race you end up in.

Anonymous said...

You in the seeded race or the invitational? You need a hotel for Friday night or Saturday? The one good thing about Arcadia this year is it keeps you guessing.

Anonymous said...

I won't be returning to Stanford either. I was told by two different coaches they got athletes into the meet with inaccurate marks as "everybody does it." The two coaches got athletes in over other athletes that had honest and verifiable marks.

If Stanford claims they are going to verify marks they should do it and do it well.

Anonymous said...

The only way Stanford gets its reputation back for high school events under their banner is to partner with a high-profile, local HS coach who can take over the entry process, including verifying marks. Period!

Anonymous said...

It was a full schedule, 9a-6p, of competition as it was. I certainly don't want to see a half dozen heats of each event, that's what K-Bell and Dublin Distance Fiesta are for.

If they can apply better verification of the entries, things should be solid.

Anonymous said...

I sent in accurate verifiable marks for my athletes. But I can tell you that some of my kids got in with over kids with accurate and verifiable marks that were better than my kids. And I also had athletes who were better than some of the athletes in the meet who didn't get in. So don't assume that every coach that got a lesser athlete in was lying. Some probably did, but the only people that know Stanford's selection process is Stanford.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Stanford should be exclusive. Hence the requirement that they adhere to a strict verification process. I like the suggestion of turning it over to the local, trusted high school coaches who care about moving our sport ahead. NorCal is exploding with talent right now. We have to maintain every venue we have so our kids can get to the next level!

Anonymous said...

Scales is the best miler in the state. He might need to consider dropping the 800 after CCS.

Brad Armstrong said...

Alex is a very talented runner who, like Mari Friedman, has an amazing range.
This may be the one year where we could see 3 Northern Calif. runners under 1:50
in the 800(Alex, Jason, Jett). It will be great to see them compete at Arcadia!
Hopefully, the early pace will set the stage for that to happen.
Congratulations to all the runners who put the time and effort into making their
season a special one, and the coaches who help them along the way.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the girl's standard for the 3200 was 11:10, but less than half of the runners hit that time in the race. Stanford should place more priority on current-season marks to ensure that the competition is indeed high-caliber.

Anonymous said...

Is it too soon to start talking about XC?

Albert Caruana said...

It was fairly warm this weekend and it's never too early to talk cross country.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't the actual temperature that affected the runners so much, it was the fact that the weather changed so quick and the kids were not used to it, especially the distance runners on Friday. It will be much hotter in Gilroy in May but they will be used to it by then.

Anonymous said...

When did everyone start talking about the 3200 more than the mile at Arcadia? The 3200 isn’t even a real race. Let’s start talking about the real distances: 800 and 1600 (mile)!

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