I will post the results as soon as I get them. If you have any photos or video from today's meet, send them or the links to albertjcaruana@gmail.com.
High School
Mt. Pleasant Relays results
Watsonville Winter Time Trial Results
Dan Gabor Invitational Results
Sunset Invitational Results
Pitman Distance Wars Results
Sacramento State Classic Results
Willow Glen Invitational Results (NEW)
Big Cat Invitational Results (NEW)
Cal Opener Results
Big Cat Article in Press Democrat (very refreshing for a local paper that covers Track and Field)
Feel free to share any highlights from other meets today in the comment section below.
High School
Mt. Pleasant Relays results
Watsonville Winter Time Trial Results
Dan Gabor Invitational Results
Sunset Invitational Results
Pitman Distance Wars Results
Sacramento State Classic Results
Willow Glen Invitational Results (NEW)
Big Cat Invitational Results (NEW)
Cal Opener Results
Big Cat Article in Press Democrat (very refreshing for a local paper that covers Track and Field)
Feel free to share any highlights from other meets today in the comment section below.
Dan Gabor Invitational results available at http://diablotiming.com/results/2016-03-05/index.htm.
Michael Vernau ran a pretty nice 3200, but overall, the rain and wind kept things slow and tactical at the Sacramento State HS Classic.
Weather was definitely a factor in the south bay.
The CSUS Track Classic was held in crazy windy conditions. I can't believe that Vernau opened the season with a 9:11.36 3,200, I am totally confident in saying that converts to sub-9:00 on a normal day. Incredible time for a first race of the season and still a junior.
I was in that race, the conditions were really bad but they didn't seem to affect Vernau, he took off from the start
Yes but when you take into account and add the advantage of the mondo track, 50% tail wind and cooler temperatures it only converts to 9:22.58. :0)
We always argued and converted XC courses and conditions, now we are doing it for track?
Check out the video of the race. His pace was 1 second slower per mile than the winning time of the 1,600. You can see the girl hugging the lap counter so it didn't blow over. The only people who benefitted from the wind were the 100 meter runners, running with the wind at their back. What I am saying is that is a time that would have been good for a top 10 finish at the state championship. That is great performance under normal conditions, but at the start of the season in the middle of a storm? That tells me we could be seeing some very special performances this season.
If you look at the results from all of the local meets yesterday, I don't think anybody can argue that most times were hindered by the weather (save for some wind aided 100s).
Will results to Dan Gabor be uploaded to athletic.net?
Results on sites like athletic.net, milesplit, EPI etc have to be uploaded in order to show up on their database. That is done by meet directors or people that work for those sites.
If Athletic.Net was the site that was used for registration AND if the timer is a Site Supporter of Athletic.Net then it's a very easy thing for the timer to upload their HyTek backup file to get loaded into Athletic.Net. If a non Site Supporter tries to "paste" the results into Athletic.Net in order to get them loaded, it will happen eventually but the data may not be quite as reliable for the person loading the data has to match teams and athletes into the Athletic.Net database (very time consuming). If Athletic.Net was the system used for registering and someone wants to send me the HyTek backup file, then I will be happy to load the data onto Athletic.net (I'm a Site Supporter). Email the HyTek file to me at HANKLAWTRACK at GMAIL...
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