Friday, November 16, 2012

Oakland Section Championship Results


Anonymous said...

conouWow , impressive. State BOUND!

Anonymous said...

Hey Albert, do you have any info about NCS championships tomorrow? Meet preview or entries?

Albert Caruana said...

The rankings I posted last are my predictions for the top teams. You can get the preview article with the meet program tomorrow.

Best of luck to all individuals and teams tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Was this an incredibly hard course or is it just a weak league?

Andrew said...

@anonymous at 9:48 PM, the course record for team time at Joaquin Miller is somewhere like in the low 19:00s (set by a Skyline team in the early part of the 2000s - I think the article is archived way down on this blog).

So take that for what it is worth. That said, Oakland only gets 1 team qualifier and the individuals that may qualify don't do great at state for a reason.

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