Saturday, November 30, 2019

NorCal Podium Teams and Individuals

Division II girls
2) St. Francis, Mt. View (CCS)

Division III girls
1) Campolindo (NCS)

Division III boys
1) Campolindo (NCS)
2) Maria Carrillo (NCS)

Division IV girls
2) Menlo (CCS)

Division IV boys
2) Scotts Valley (CCS)
3) Sir Francis Drake (NCS)

Division V girls
1) Lick-Wilmerding (NCS)
2) S.F. University (NCS)

Division I boys
2) Jesuit (SJS)
3) Bellarmine (CCS)

Division II girls
1 KLOS, Alexandra SO 1907 Vista Del Lago-SJS 1 17:13.1
3 MENDOZA, Gianna SR 1312 Presentation-CCS -- 17:36.4
4 JOAQUIN, Cate SO 1654 St Francis (Sac)-SJS 2 17:39.7

Division III girls
1 CHAMBERLAIN, Riley SO 493 Del Oro-SJS 1 17:16.0
5 HANCOCK, Paloma SR 202 Campolindo-NCS 5 18:04.7
9 COHEN, Evie JR 1660 St Ignatius-CCS 8 18:11.3
10 WIKSTROM, Eleanor SR 1609 Skyline-OS -- 18:13.7

Division II boys
8 CURULLA, Patrick JR 479 De La Salle-NCS 8 15:15.0

Division III boys
1 SWINTH, Colton SR 973 Maria Carrillo-NCS 1 15:10.2
2 SMAIL, Rory SR 972 Maria Carrillo-NCS 2 15:22.8
5 GUNN, Dylan JR 208 Campolindo-NCS 4 15:33.8
7 MCKAIN, Cole SR 1038 Merced-SJS -- 15:35.6
9 CRONIN, Dylan SR 207 Campolindo-NCS 7 15:39.1

Division IV girls
7 ALLEN, Audrey JR 1059 Miramonte-NCS 7 18:12.2

Division V boys
2 LEHMANN DUKE, Jacob SR 368 College Preparatory-NCS -- 15:43.0
6 MADER, Alex SO 877 Lick Wilmerding-NCS 3 15:49.5
9 JULIAN, Michael SO 1777 The York School-CCS -- 15:55.9

Division I girls
4 SOOBRIAN, Lauren FR 891 Los Altos-CCS -- 17:42.7
5 KACKLEY, Madison JR 712 Gregori-SJS -- 17:44.7

Division IV boys
2 ROSS, Mitchell SR 1548 Scotts Valley-CCS 1 15:17.5
4 BARKAN, Amir SR 1600 Sir Francis Drake-NCS 3 15:26.3
6 PARKER, Zachary SR 914 Lowell-SFS 5 15:33.3
7 CHAPMAN, Godebo JR 1942 West Campus-SJS -- 15:34.5
8 CHRISTOPHER, Jacob SR 190 Calaveras-SJS 6 15:35.3

Division V girls
1 MCCLAIN, Harper JR 1658 St Helena-NCS -- 17:13.4
4 BROOKS, Kaiya FR 438 Crystal Springs Uplands-CCS 3 18:11.1
6 GEVELBER, Tevah SR 246 Castilleja-CCS 5 18:33.8

Division I boys
1 STRANGIO, Matt SR 781 Jesuit-SJS 1 14:43.5
3 MIDDLETON-PEARSON, Christopher SR 517 Dublin-NCS 3 15:02.9
4 PEATTIE, Colin JR 106 Bellarmine-CCS 4 15:06.8
6 TOPPER, Nolan JR 109 Bellarmine-CCS 5 15:08.4
9 MCGONIGLE, Patrick SR 1586 Sheldon-SJS -- 15:13.0


pmccrystle said...

Congrats to all our NorCal runners and teams for a truly remarkable showing at the 2019 State Meet!! All these fantastic performances are even more remarkable when one looks at the numbers: this was the fastest State meet in history, faster than 2010, 2015, and 2018. "Fastest" meaning the fastest average time by 25th runner/50th runner/75 runner/100th fastest runner, number of boys teams sub-80 minutes (21, plus 2 at 80:00, beating the 2015 record of 19 teams), all time team time records (Newbury Park, plus 5 more of the fastest 20 boys team times ever run!)...all in all, quite a day!! I only keep records for boys teams, but a quick glance showed that the meet was very fast for girls as well...anybody who has an interest in compiling the girls records, all the info is on line!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive indeed! Congrats to all for so many great performances. Want to comment on a few observations worth noting. 1st, Campolindo boys & girls for their state championships in dominating fashion. 2nd, div.1 boys Northern Cal teams placing 5 teams in the top 10 including 2 podium teams (not done very often in this div.) & last, boys teams taking 10 of the top 25 teams overall. all jobs well done!

Anonymous said...

Was any league in the state better represented at the state meet than the EBAL in NCS this year?

Dublin 4th in Division 1
Amador Valley 8th in Division 1
Granada 7th in Division 2
De La Salle 9th in Division 2
Monte Vista 17th in Division 2

Dougherty Valley 11th in Division 1
Amador Valley 13th in Division 1
Granada 14th in Division 2
Monte Vista 19th in Divison 2
San Ramon Valley 21st in Divison 2

That's 10 teams in the meet with 4 of them finishing in the top 10. Were any leagues stronger than that this year?

Albert Caruana said...

EBAL is by far the best league in Norcal. I would have to do some digging to come up with a matching league in the Southern Section

Anonymous said...

Shout out to the weather gods for allowing temps to dip below 80. This is what California can do with good weather!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this has to be one of the strongest CCS showings at State podium! I emailed Steve Filios about contingency plans for AQ for league earlier this month and at the same time mentioned that we might 5 teams podiums (I was close!)

Girls D2 - STF MV 2nd (impressive come from behind)
Girls D4 - Menlo Girls 2nd (4th fastest all-time State D4 Team time)
Boys D4 - Scotts Valley 2nd (nice rebound from CCS)
Boys D1 - Bells 3rd (fastest CCS Boys Team Time at Woodward)

the other team I was thinking about who might have a shot was Castilleja Girls in D5...

Again huge congrats to all the student-athletes and coaches! And best wishes to all NXN qualifiers along with FLW competitors!

Go NorCals!!!

Rob Collins said...

2005 was also a good year.

Girls: Div2 Aptos, Team State Champions
Div4 SLV, Team State Champions
Div5 Crystal Springs Upland (NCS at that time), Team State Runner-ups
Individual, SLV Taylor Johnson 2nd

Boys: Div3, St Ignatius 3rd, St Francis MV 4th, Willow Glenn 5th
Div2, Los Gatos 3rd
Individually, Valley Christian Robbie Knorr 3rd

Dan T said...

Much for the Northern California contingent to be proud of.
2 NXN Invites: Strangio, Middleton-Pearson
5 of the top 10 team times: Jesuit, Bellarmine, Dublin, Maria Carillo and Campolindo
6 of top 15 Individuals: Strangio, Middleton-Pearson, Peattie, Topper, Swinth, McConigle

Jesuit: Fastest Nor Cal Boys Team Time in State Meet history. Matt Strangio, 10th fastest boy all time at Woodward Park.
Bellarmine: 3rd fastest Nor Cal Boys Team with everybody back next year.
Campolindo: Only Northern California Boys Team Champion

3 NXN Invites: Klos, McClain, Chamberlain
7 of top 15 girls: Klos, McClain, Chamberlain, Mendosa, Joaquin, Soobrian, Kackley (all return except Mendosa).
4 of top 11 Teams
St. Francis (MV), Campolindo, St. Francis (Sac), Vista del Lago
Alexandra Klos of Vista del Lago, 7th fastest all time performer and third all time Northern California performer behind Julia Stamps and Amber Trotter.
Campolindo and Lick-Wilmerding for winning the only NorCal Girl's Team Titles.

And an observation from a MileSplit correspondent who was there all day yesterday and got to see first hand the joy of winning and the class exhibited by those teams who might have been a little disappointed by their finish. The Maria Carillo boys waited to congratulate Campolindo on their title and exhibited all the sportsmanship you would hope to see from these athletes. I also spoke with Dylan Gunn who could not have been more complimentary of the Maria Carillo program and how much they inspired Campolindo to to bring their best. Awesome job by all the athletes, coaches and parents, another memorable day in Fresno.

Anonymous said...

The future of the NCS looks very bright! I am super excited to watch Campolindo's Alex Lodewick's high school career unfold. Last Saturday, he ran a NCS freshman record time. (Alex ran a 15:52- a second faster than Liam Anderson).

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