Saturday, May 19, 2018

NorCal Section meets today

Results will be posted as soon as I find them. Please feel free to comment below on any of the outstanding performances below.

Sac-Joaquin Section
All results posted here:

North Coast Section
Tri-Valley Results:
You can also find Class A and Redwood Empire results at this link:

You can also find more results at this link:

Who was most impressive yesterday? Biggest surprise as in positive or negative?


Anonymous said...

Am I reading the results correctly that Sondre Guttormsen did not qualify to Masters? That's HUGE if true.

Anonymous said...

Who does the announcing at the the CCS meet? He is the best track announcer I have ever heard. Informative about the history of the runners and about what is happening on the track. Bravo!

Albert Caruana said...

I agree plus splits.

Anonymous said...

When are scratches due for CCS finals and when does the final start list come out?

Anonymous said...

Why does the north coast have area meets which add an extra qualifying race to the section. While the other sections are finishing their section either this past weekend or next Friday, NCS athletes have a two day meet next weekend. Seems unfair the other sections are finished and resting. NCS athletes have more chances to be disqualified. What’s the history behind the Area meets?

Albert Caruana said...

Crystal Springs Uplands School used to be in NCS and we used to compete in the Class A meet. I can speak from experience about that meet and it is AWESOME!. Teams can compete for a championship just like the other teams in the other area meets. It's really a great format to get to the semis. I know some may not like the back to back semi and final but the meets preceding the semis are...what I said above.

Anonymous said...

Gillian Wagner ran an impressive 1600 - 4:46.22. Olivia O'Keefe ran a similar time - 4:46.25. Wonder if either of them can go faster?

Albert Caruana said...

PR for both and both have run pretty well at big meets. This year's 1600 field at state is LOADED!

Anonymous said...

Well, they do go back to back days at state, prepares you for it. Some athletes that are used to running once a week have trouble running on back to back days, IMHO :-)

Anonymous said...

Did Simen Guttormsen advance to finals?

Anonymous said...

SC's MARI FRIEDMAN should be the talk of this Blog right now -- what she is doing for the TEAM along with Anaya Ward in a smaller way is incredible. That's what this sport is about -- A True ELITE ATHLETE puts TEAM FIRST and that's why they become even better HS ATHLETES. Please learn from her. Thank you Coach Greg Brock for teaching your kids right. Wishing Mari and her teammates all the best.

It makes me smile and feel good about the future of NorCal HS Track & Field with coaches like Greg Brock and athletes like Mari Friedman. Oregon State is adding another amazing athlete from the CCS.

Good luck to everyone at CCS Finals on Friday night...there will be some great competitions! Go NorCal HS XC & TF!!!

Also, a sad side note, for kids in the stands from another school (with their coaches sitting next to them) who were negatively shouting at Mari and having no clue what's going on, please learn more about the sport along with some respect for other athletes.

Anonymous said...

Top 12 (or standard) from SjS D1 move to SJS Masters this Friday. Gottersman moved on.

Dan said...

I didn't get the chance to see Mari Friedman run at sections, but have covered her, watched her compete and interviewed her, she is a class young lady and great competitor. She doesn't shy away from any challenge and by all accounts is the type of athlete any teammate or coach would love to have on their team. Looking forward to seeing her at state.

Anonymous said...

@3:50 pm.. ncs does back to back at MOC; so they are already prepared for State. Area meets are just an extra meet that the other section runners do not have to go thru. It is what it is but I was just really wanting to know why it is

Anonymous said...

What happened to Jake Grimmsman in the high jump? National and state leader (joint with Sean Lee) but has a NH in prelims?

Albert Caruana said...

Jake cleared 7'3" at the Stanford Invite and then hurt his ankle on an attempt at 7'5". He has been injured since. He tried to compete but was unable to clear a height at his league meet (I believe).

Anonymous said...

"Area meets are just an extra meet that the other section runners do not have to go thru."

Not necessarily. Some teams in CCS need to go through their league meet, and then a "super-league" meet (SCVAL and BVAL). Same number of qualifying meets as NCS.

Anonymous said...

Who are the new favorites for CCS finals after this weekend? Especially seeing Jason Gomez and Colton Colonna with commanding doubles.

Albert Caruana said...

I will say this again but the area and class a meets are awesome.

As for favorites at CCS, I think Scales is still the favorite in the 1600. I would say Gomez could be the favorite in the 800 but he is doubling just like Scales. In the 3200, I think it will be a two man race between Robert Miranda and Meika B-R. Miranda just qualified for the finals last year and won and this year, he did the same and still has the fastest time of any CCS runners.

Ron Ernst said...

Mari Friedman is an impressive athlete and I can't wait to watch her races next weekend. She ran the races on Saturday perfect, it was an impressive resume of qualifying round racing. Best of luck to everyone on Friday.

Anonymous said...

NCS MOC entries posted here:

Anonymous said...

Has there ever been a team before this year with 5 guys in the final 12 of the 3200?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Jake Grimmsman competed after his Stanford injury until his league champ meet where he cleared 6'0''. This was enough to move onto SJS divisionals where he NH and failed to advance. My guess is the injury hadn't fully healed because the last qualifier to move onto SJS masters was 5'11''.

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