Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Coming up tomorrow...

CCS Boys' Division I Cross Country Pre-Season Rankings by Valley Christian SJ coach Josh Small...

Who are the top teams in this division?  Individuals?  Surprises?

Find out tomorrow morning when the last of the CCS rankings are posted.


Anonymous said...

Then SJS?

Albert Caruana said...

Not until CBEDs are posted on the SJS website. It sounds like early September. I am sorry for the delay but I need to know in what divisions teams will be competing to put together any kind of rankings.

Anonymous said...

Sturges is the favorite for sure! haha

Anonymous said...

Top Teams

1. Bellarmine
2. Carlmont
3. MA
T3. Monte Vista

Anonymous said...

Why not just rank SJS top to bottom, top10 no matter the division?

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