For someone who was always ahead of the pack in Indiana prep cross country and distance running during the 1970s, standing still has never been an option for Brad Rowe.
A two-time state cross country champion and two-time state two-mile champ, Rowe retired six years ago from Pumatech, but the Los Altos, Calif., resident realized he still had an unquenchable thirst for start-up companies.
"Being in Silicon Valley, even in bad times, things are happening out here," Rowe said. "I wanted to get involved in something new."
That was, and he is the chairman of the company, which he said puts radio stations on the Internet, but to a much deeper extent.
"What we allow you to do is broadcast your own station, sort of like a podcast on a bigger scale," Rowe said. "People can listen to you in Finland or you can invite people, your friends only, to listen -- sort of like Facebook. "
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