Sunday, June 28, 2009

CA State Meet All Time Girls' Podium Teams through '08

The list below contains every girls' team that has finished in the top 3 at the California State Meet. During the first few years, the podium teams included only 2 teams but for the sake of uniformity, I included the top 3 teams for every year starting with the first ever California state meet in 1987.

Double click picture below to view the list without having to use a magnifying glass. If you find any errors, please send them to and I will update the list.

Some interesting data from list to the left:
Most overall plaques: Chadwick and San Francisco University with 10

Most first place plaques: Corona del Mar and San Francisco University with 6

Most second place plaques: San Francisco University, Woodbridge and Woodcrest Christian with 4

Most third place plaques: Campolindo, Chadwick and Dana Hills with 4

Two teams had the longest span of time between their 1st and last plaque:
Corona del Mar with 19 years (1989-2008)

I will post the boys' podium teams tomorrow.

Look for other interesting state meet stats during the summer.


Sterling Lockert said...

Hey coach. I don't wanna make more work for you. but i think it'd be neat if each spot was worth different point. 1st is 3. 2nd is 2. and 3rd is 1. and see if that mixes things up at all.

Albert Caruana said...

Good idea Sterling.

The way I broke ties with teams with the same amount of plaques is to give the higher spot to the team with more 1st or 2nd place plaques, if applicable.

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