Great head-to-head battle between the Campolindo and Miramonte varsity boys as they tied 28-28 with Campolindo edging Miramonte on the 6th man tie-breaker. Looking ahead to the NCS meet, Campolindo will be favored to win Division III while Miramonte will be among the favorites in Divison IV. Campolindo swept the other races handily including their varsity girls scoring 16.
You can check out the results at the following link:
The varsity boys competition was not at all a reflection of how the teams should rank in the DAL with many athletes competing in much bigger meets this weekend. Why would the league score a Wednesday central meet during a week in which many of our local teams are traveling to Mt. SAC or preparing to race the Mariner Invitational???
League meets no matter where you put them are typically on the same weeks as Saturday Invitationals like Woodbridge, Clovis, Mt. SAC, Mariner etc. Nothing unusual about that. Teams can schedule around their league meets or Invitationals. We won't have such conflicts at the league finals were everybody will bring their bests to those meets.
Looks like the other schools may be but Campolindo and Miramonte aren't racing this weekend so accurate for them!
It bothered me to see teams at DAL2 sitting out or running the race as a work out. In my mind, league meets are the heart and soul of the sport. While I think teams should take care not to over race athletes, if a particular invitational is really important to a team, it can squeeze it in without compromising its league competition. Campolindo used to run DAL1, and then Capital Cross 3 days later. The team took both meets seriously and did great at both of them.
Also, I think if you aren’t going to take a league meet seriously, that’s fine, but don’t complain that you could have done better if only you tried.
Finally, be real. Yesterday, the only teams in contention to win the varsity boys competition were Campolindo and Miramonte.
Congratulations to both of these teams for going to the well yesterday and racing their hearts out in the heat. There were relatively few spectators and no tee shirts for sale, but they still treated the race as though it mattered.
Coaches can dictate the effort and the schedule of races of their own teams. I only have control of my own team so I don't worry about what other teams choose to do at our league meets.
This week seems like a particularly bad date to schedule it Albert. Were there any other local leagues apart from DAL choosing this week to schedule a central meet?
WACC had one yesterday as well
Also, it seems like major xc invites are happening every 2 weeks - Woodbridge/DLS, Clovis, Mt. Sac/Mariner. You're either racing a league meet before a major meet or after one and so teams have to pick their spots.
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