Friday, March 13, 2020

Now that the track season is on hold...

It appears that every Track and Field Invitational that was scheduled to take place this weekend was cancelled or postponed. I believe most schools will be closed through spring break and many athletes will now have to train on their own with the hope of the season resuming sometime in April. 

Earlier today, the CIF posted a sprint sports season update which you can read here:

We can only hope for the best regarding this virus and that our season will resume so that we are able to compete at our league finals and beyond.

In the meantime, if you want to keep in touch with the rest of the NorCal track community, feel free to post below in the comment section. 


Anonymous said...

Perhaps this would be a good time to do some more coach or athlete interviews?

Albert Caruana said...

That's the plan.

Anonymous said...

We meet next week and will talk about it.

So they are announcing their future meeting? Thanks CIF forbthe news!

Anonymous said...

With near universal school closures through mid April at least, and the suspension of organized practices for most teams, it is going to take a lot of extra effort for the athletes to remain in race shape. If the season does resume in May, those who will emerge as the top performers will not be just be the athletes with talent and good coaching, but it will be a group with extra special determination and perseverance.

Anonymous said...

IF schools & sports resume (I am going to guess they don’t. Classes will be online rest of the year and commencement will be in July or August) I think they should suspend state. Just push back league til the end of May and have a section championship without trials. Invite style with multiple heats. But like I said, I think there is no way we get back to everything hunky dory in 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

The problem with simply "pushing back" league is that competitions in the summer are a No-No for a few reasons. 1) People with vacation plans or any other such plans that are hard/expensive to cancel are put in a bad spot. 2) That becomes especially bad for distance runners who rely on the summer to build their cross country base after their post-track break. You put distance runners in a very tough spot because some will have to choose between Section Meets and State, and a more solid cross country base. That, among other reasons, is why some runners opt to finish their season after State Championships rather than continuing onto Brooks PR or NB Nationals.

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