Saturday, September 12, 2009 coverage of the Ed Sias Invitational

Check it out at the following link:

Newspaper links for coverage of the Ed Sias as well as the Earlybird Invitational will be added tomorrow.

Girls' Norcal Rankings will posted as well. Look also for Josh Small's girls' CCS rankings.

For those of you that attended either of the meets mentioned above, who was the most impressive runner? team? Most improved?


Anonymous said...

Julie Nacouzi of Montgomery almost took down the course record. The temperatures were quite a bit warmer for the girls race (I would say at least 10 degrees warmer than the boys varsity races), and she just destroyed her competition. She is only a junior, well-coached, and finally realizing how good she can be.

Albert Caruana said...

Julie's victory and time was definitely one of the eye opening performances at Ed Sias.

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