Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Liam Anderson Wins Gatorade Athlete Of The Year Award


Dan T said...

Well deserved accolades for one of NorCals all time bests. Going to be very interesting to see what he does in track. I assume he will take a similar approach to cross country where he didn't start racing until half way through the season, but possibly open up as early as the Dublin Distance Festival where a guaranteed spot at the Arcadia Invitational Seeded Heat is on the line. I've had the opportunity to interview Liam a couple of times and was really impressed by his maturity. When he won his state XC title as a junior there seemed to be enormous pressure, but after his win this past season, it seemed like just another step in his overall goal of winning NXN, which he did. Curious if he will choose to double again at state with guys like Strangio and Nico Young returning and making coming back after a fast 1,600 a brutal proposition.

Anonymous said...

Anybody else tired of the focus of NorCal running being on one person?

Albert Caruana said...

He is the first California male to win that award. I am supposed to ignore that?

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