You can find them at the two following links.
The NCS divisions have not been posted yet but I will post the link once it's up on the NCS website.
The NCS divisions have not been posted yet but I will post the link once it's up on the NCS website.
I think there's problem with Fremont. They were D1 (1900ish) in 2016. If this year's 201 is correct, can anyone explain what happened?
That has to be a mistake. Will check.
Does that mean everyone will likely move down one slot when Fremont gets placed properly in D1?
Good question. More than likely they will just plus Fremont correctly and keep all the other schools as is. That is my guess.
Don't bylaws say that divisions have a max of 24 teams? Slotting Fremont in D1 without moving Lincoln to D2 and Westmont to D3 would result in one division with 25 teams.
1. No it does not say that. It says they start at D1 and move down divisions. So if one division were to have an extra team it would be D1.
2. Why does D5 not have schools up to 600 per state rules. It's a smaller division with less complete teams. That would bump the smallest school in each division down.
If you look at all the divisions in CCS, you have a very similar amount of schools in each division. That is the primary reason why the divisional breaks in CCS do not really match up with the rest of the state.
The previous year’s grade 9-12 CBEDS figures, as listed below, will be used to adjust the size of each division insuring that each division, except Division V, has the same number of schools. Division V will be set at 500 and below.
If more than one school has the same enrollment at the “point of division,” all schools with that enrollment would be placed in the higher of the two divisions.
If the number of schools was not a multiple of four, the “extra” school(s) would be placed beginning in the higher divisions.
When determining the divisions, the CCS staff will utilize a list of enrollments without school names attached to insure objectivity.
If they put Fremont back in D1 (Their CBED is probably a typo: 2010 not 201) without moving other teams down, CCS would be breaking the first rule above - each division has the same number of schools. If they move Lincoln and Westmont down one each, the result would be 24, 24, 24, 23. That's as close as you can get to even and more in spirit of the rule. 25, 24, 23, 23 is not. Easy fix for an unfortunate typo.
If 7:29 is correct, that changes the individual race in the D3, putting the Westmont Soph at the head of the pack, but not much else.
I forwarded the error to the CCS office. I am sure they will make the correction ASAP and when the corrected CBEDs are updated, I will repost the link.
PCS's enrollment listed is for 7-12, so they are still D5. Another factor in adjusting the divisions.
If you didn't do it, I'm sure there would be a few more D5 schools that would have objected to a D1 team toeing the line with them at Toro in November.
In the case Pacific C moves to D5, all the other moves listed above still happen and in addition Lick moves to D4 creating a 24, 24, 23, 23 scenario once again. Any other likely CBED errors?
Sure hoping this holds up and Westmont does move to D3, thanks for the update.
Any update on CCS correcting the few errors we found in the data?
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