Monday, December 15, 2008

Elia Trujillo Memorial Run

Elia Trujillo unexpectedly passed away on Tuesday, December 9th, 2008. She is survived by her husband Jose and their four children Temo, Israel, Enoch, and Jovita. All three of the boys are alumni of North Monterey County. Temo is currently a teacher and a coach at the school and Jovita is a current student-athlete on the cross country and track teams as well as being the current ASB Commissioner of Pep and Athletics.
The Trujillo family has been a major part of North Monterey County High School and the cross country and track teams would like to host a fundraiser in Elia’s honor with proceeds to be used however the family wishes. The Elia Trujillo Memorial Run will include the following;
DATE: Saturday, December 20th, 2008
PLACE: North Monterey County High School Track
7:30 AM Registration

5k Run (3.1 miles on cross country course)

½ Mile Kids’ Run (2 laps of NMC Track)

1 Mile Run (4 laps of NMC Track)
We would like everyone that runs to pay at least $5 but major donations are accepted and are tax-deductible (Make checks payable to North Monterey County HS). A waiver and run flyer is posted here I've also attached the race flyer in various formats to this e-mail.

Please contact and forward this e-mail to anyone that knows any of the Trujillo family members and encourage everyone you know to come and run, cheer, and support this great family.
We would especially like to welcome the children from Bardin Elementary where Elia taught and the Trujillo family and children that will be running along with us to honor Elia.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Coach Gustavo Ibarra
North Monterey County Cross Country & Track and Field

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