WCAL Results:
Marauder Invitational Results:
Clash of the Titans at Skyline HS
Music City Track Carnival Results
WCAL results on Roster Athletic app. 7 Bells qualified in boys 3200. 9 total.
Easier to view WCAL results here (than the 40+ page PDF): https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/MeetResults.aspx?Meet=426081&show=all
Wow! Lester 1:47.65 any word on his next meet?
Anyone know why Galen and Peattie didn’t run?
What is with these kids running so fast this year?
Regarding how fast kids are running this year, I think there was more of a sense of urgency with less meets. The shoes are a factor as well. Kids were able to really focus on training with less races. Other factors?
Galen isn't injured. He was sick all last week, but will run 3200 at CCS, moving on through hardship rule. Per the bylaws, he would have had to have run faster than 4:17.99 this year to move on, because that was the time of the final qualifier from the WCAL in the 1600. Colin is unfortunately injured.
Can you explain how the hardship rule works from wcal?
If you have a medical non-sports issue, and you have run during the season a time better than the last qualifier's time in the event in question, then you can go through on the hardship rule of the games committee agress, if the coach has requested prior to the start of the meet. Galen's 1600 time this year is 4:19, but the 5th and final qualifier in our meet ran 4:17.99, so no go. In the 3200, Glaen has run 8:59, and the 9th and final qualilfier in our meet ran 9:39, so he is in for the 3200.
Lester ran 1:48.5 in Nashville on Sunday. Hear he might run in Pa. on Friday.
CCS Predictions can be found at:
and the Bells are on top.
On the girls side it's St Francis and then (go Vikings) Lynbrook.
Patrick, that is not how the hardship rule works. You need to have a run off with second place. If second place loses that athlete does not advance.
I know second place still hit the auto but a run off must happen at a neutral site per the bylaws. No run off, no advancing.
Not sure who the anonymous at 10:29 is, but while that USED to be the rule, for non-laned races, it is no longer the rule. It is spelled out very clearly on the CCS web site; WCAL uses those same hardship rules as well--perhaps all leagues do? No more run offs at neutral sites, etc. We thought the same, but Steve Filios set us straight...luckily, our meet director was Phil Pompei and he knows what he's doing, so we got it all worked out through CCS and our League. Like you, I was not aware of the rule change!
Glad Galen is in...here are the entries for CCS BTW!
Best wishes Athletes & Coaches!
JC :)
Not saying the kid doesn’t deserve to run in the post season but... no, the hardship rule is not posted on the 2021 bylaws on the CCS https://d2o2figo6ddd0g.cloudfront.net/t/f/mktlp26hudcm9x/track_and_field_bylaws_2021.pdf
Sorry, but after the 2019 thing with the 800 it just feels like WCAL and Filios just make up new rules and find loopholes every year.
If you know Steve Filios and his ethics, you would not make that comment and accusation.
@1:43 It's there:
Section 8. APPEALS
1. Hardships may only be considered for qualification from League to the Semi-Finals;
2. Hardship only applies to an illness/accident that is non-sports related;
3. The athlete must be under a medical doctor's care;
4. Any request for hardship must be presented to the League Meet Director, IN WRITING, before the
start of the athlete's first race in the League meet;
5. The athlete must have posted a previous mark that is better than the last qualifier's mark;
6. The hardship hearing will be held on the second working day following the request for hardship;
7. Appeals shall be conducted according to the respective League's By-Laws.
8. A run-off, for races restricted by lanes, will be held two [2] days before the next scheduled meet. The
site will be determined by the League.
Anonymous 1:43, please see the next anonymous post. The by-laws could not be more clear nor public. While it seems to those who can’t research rules that the WCAL was trying to subvert the rules, the fact remains that everything was done exactly by the publicly published by laws. Any anonymous posters who would like to impugn my ethics, I invite you to introduce your self to me at any meet—I’ll be at Soquel on Saturday morning at 9 am, eg—and I would love to discuss with you in a public, live forum..you know, like humans, not people hiding behind machines.
I am just glad we got rid of hardships. Life is unfortunate sometimes (injuries) and choices (non-injury reasons) need to be made sometimes.
Auto qualifier is sure doing it’s job. 8 qualifiers in one event from same school, but #8 and #9 times for CCS at league finals in girls 800M are done.
Just a few years ago, the at large for the 3200 was 9:32.x. After a couple of hot Gilroy ccs meets, the 3200 turned very tactical which resulted in the current at large time in the event.
Why are people getting so bent out of shape about using the rules to allow a incredibly deserving kid a chance to finish up his career the right way? After all these kids have lost over the last year, we should be celebrating every opportunity we can give them to compete at CCS once as an upperclassman. It's exactly the reason there is a hardship rule, it's not even close to a marginal case of whether he is qualified to be there, and it isn't taking away a spot at trials from another kid. Come on people. It's supposed to be about giving these kids opportunities and memories.
It’s that Bell gets the most talented group of distance runners year after year around here so people are salty.
@ 5:47. Here, Here! More opportunities and memories for these kids. Opportunities and memories like your own exclusive 1600 heat run on Stanford's track during a pandemic. That's what it's all about.
Hey Albert, like Bring Back the Mile let's Bring Back No Anonymous Posts.
That seems like a pretty good idea Hank.
@5:47PM Totally agreed...Also the fact that Bellarmine boys, esp those 3 seniors, would've probably easily won D1 XC CIF Championships and potentially podium in NXN behind NBP. For them to have that taken away it's truly sad so I'm very glad Galen gets to run.
I honestly thought that we coach for the kids, ALL THE KIDS! Again, very disappointed at some of the posts here.
@Albert Caruana - thank you for following through your promise to get rid of anonymous. I never really liked that function anyways...
Good luck to everyone at CCS!
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