Wednesday, September 25, 2019

RIP former Humboldt coach, Jim Hunt

For those of you that go to the Humboldt Cross Country Camp, you should be quite familiar with Coach Hunt. He was inducted in the Humboldt State Hall of Fame in 1993 and during his time as the coach (1965-2008), he had some of the best Cross Country teams in the country. Sadly, he passed away today. If you are not familiar with Coach Hunt, you can read all about him at this LINK. I would also recommend his latest book (The Rhythm of Running) which you can find at this LINK.

If you knew Coach Hunt and have a story to share, please feel free to do so in the comment section below.


  1. Huge loss for the running community. R.I.P. Coach.

  2. RIP, Coach Hunt.
    I never got to meet him personally, but that does not mean he did not touch my life. He was a man revered by the athletes that he coached, and by those of us who ran against his incredibly well coached athletes. His knowledge has been passed to me by word of mouth and by his written word - and for that I am grateful and better for it. His mortal presence will be missed, but his legacy will live on, in those of us whose lives he touched in some way.

  3. Unbelievable man,coach and person!

  4. Such a great embassor to the sport also a tremendous man,coach and person! Will greatly be missed by so many of us in the running community.

  5. I know he was still assisting the Humboldt running camp up in Arcata every summer, a couple of years back. Taught my 2 oldest kids how to steeple.

    Earlier on, he would have us do stride frequency drills after every practice. Count 32 right foot steps every 20 secs, that was his gold standard. "You can't teach stride length, but you can teach stride frequency."

    I remember one practice when a much older Coach Hunt was having us do intervals on the Sierra College XC course, and as we wrapped up practice he realized that he had misplaced his car keys. So the team went back on the course and started searching for his keys. After a few minutes of searching, someone heard some jingling. Sure enough, the keys had somehow fallen into his running shorts without him realizing it.

    He was a great individual and will be greatly missed...

  6. I don't post on this site often but this post brings back all the wonderful memories from Humboldt Running Camp and the valuable lessons he taught me while I attended. RIP, Coach Hunt. I feel like I need to watch a screening of The Harriers now.

  7. I've had the privilege of attending quite a few Humboldt running camps, although not in the last few years. I'm sure that camp will remain awesome, but it will be different without him there. It becomes obvious how great of a person Coach Hunt was by how many of his athletes (and some of my mentors), have chosen to stay so connected to him after many years. RIP Coach Hunt.

  8. Jim Hunt was and always will be a great man and coach. I definitely learned more about running efficiency from Jim and his fantastic “Neuro” dvd. Every XC coach and runner should view it and use the info in it. I have seen it improve anyone willing to put the work in. Watching Harriers again brings back the 6 Humboldt Camp experiences I thoroughly enjoyed(except for sleeping in the dorms) as a coach and sharing info and laughs with Jim and his Merry Pranksters(Kevin Searls, Chuck, Ozzie, et al)
    Jim will be greatly missed but never forgotten...
    Brad Zanetti, Montgomery HS
