Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Modifications to Track & Field Championships Schedule to be Announced June 1

Due to high temperatures projected for the State Track & Field meet this weekend, CIF has announced that the time schedule will be modified and announced by this Wednesday 5pm.

You can find additional information at http://cifstate.org/news/2016_tf_preview


  1. Seems like cooler heads prevailed (no pun intended). A 100, 200 or 4x1 wouldn't be impacted to bad by the heat, but anything longer than that could be brutal. It seems like the biggest drop in temps is from the 9-10 hour. If 1,600 heats were moved back, that would certainly impact the rare athlete who is trying to double, but even if they went off at 9:00 PM, you would still be looking at close to 100 degree temps. It's a no win situation, but I am glad the organizers realized that the safety of the athletes is paramount.

  2. It will more than likely run the 800 and 1600 in the morning, 8am to 9am, then break til 630 for the sprint running events.

  3. They can't start anything earlier than the announced starting time, because students traveling from far away cannot change travel plans, and they can't run a trial on Saturday morning and the a final that night. The only thing to do is push all the starting times back.

  4. Likely modification is to push the start back to 6 pm.

    They can't go earlier on Friday but yes, you can do trials in the morning and finals at night later. Why couldn't they? If there was lightening it would be bumped to the next day. So yes, they can.

  5. No they can't push it to Saturday Morning...First of all, I'm even surprised that State is also on a SAT Day...(HS Sports is an integral PART of the educational programs, but academics do come first) and to make it in the morning which is when SATs are, it'll be even worse disrespect of ACADEMIC duties that HS Students have.

  6. As predicted, they moved the Meet to an hour later on Saturday...the correct move...

    The new schedule is out...Friday's events are also changed...

    Good luck to all athletes and please hydrate and stay cool!

  7. With all do respect invitationals, league finals, proms, etc. are all held on meet days. How many graduations take place Saturday? Clearly those are more important "academic" conflicts than an optional SAT you can take multiple times a year that has nothing to do with the public school system.

    And yes, they can hold trials in the morning if they have to. There is now bylaw stating trials and finals can not be contested on the same day. They don't want to but they CAN if they have to.

    SAT is not an "academic duty." And I doubt any qualifying athlete signed up for SATs the day of the state meet.
