Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Comments on this site

From now on, comments will need to be approved by me before they are posted on this site. When you post a comment, I will get your comment by email and I will approve it unless it's deemed to be offensive in nature. I think this is best considering many of you post anonymously and we have had a lot of comments this past fall that went a different direction from the original intent of this site.

I apologize if anybody was offended in any way during this past season. 


  1. That's a good idea, Albert, but a lot more work for you.

  2. It's more work to delete and deal with negative comments.

  3. It's very unfortunate that you need to do this. I understand though. It should be more pleasant though.

  4. Im not sure if this is possible, but you should have other people who can moderate comments as well. If that is possible please let us know.

  5. This is no different than before in that I had to check every comment. This way, nothing offensive is posted on the site before it's deleted by me.

  6. Anyone notice a big drop off on comments?

  7. It's not unusual to have less comments at this time since this is an off-season. If people are less likely to post because I am monitoring the comments more closely, that is not a bad thing at all.

  8. Are there less comments or less getting through because you have blocked some?

  9. Is there any way to just remove the Anonymous choice? Almost every offensive post seems to come from an anonymous source. Being accountable by name for your comments, could go along way in solving this problem.

    Anonymously, Tom Benjamin

  10. I agree with the 7:04 PM comment!
