Monday, March 24, 2014

Photo of the Week (definitely not the weak!)

This race took place this weekend at the Centennial Invitational in Colorado and you can check out the video of the race here courtesy of  A MUST watch!

If you ever decide to complain about the weather in any CA track race, don't.


  1. haha. In Minnesota they only cancel track practice if it is 15 below zero! Californians are wimps!

  2. Californians are smart. We live in a place where it doesn't reach 15 below zero... And who cancels track practice?

  3. So that these are posted fees for frosh soph top 8 But there are no way to tell who got into the meet. What's up with that?

  4. So that these are posted fees for frosh soph top 8 But there are no way to tell who got into the meet. What's up with that?

  5. With the fees being posted, I am sure the entries will be posted next.

  6. Too bad state runners in Minnesota can't get past 90% of the sections in California
