Monday, September 16, 2013

Video of the last few meters of Varsity Boys Small School race at Ed Sias


  1. to demonstrate what??

  2. I wasn't at the meet so great to see the finish of this race. Two of the best runners in Division III and V respectively.

  3. sounds like some people are getting a little defensive. Great video of the finish of the race Albert.

  4. Hell of a good finish! Too close to call. There needs to be more of these finishes.

  5. Wow! Amazing finish.

  6. Speaker for the anonymousesSeptember 16, 2013 9:34 PM

    I paused the video at 5 where they lean and Arias CLEARLY edged Goltra out for the win.

    Chuck's army, of course, would beg to differ.

  7. @9:34, yes we would.

    Here's the shot of the finish line:

  8. great picture where you cant see the line. in the video it shows gabe ahead on the lean.

  9. They are not at the line @5- they cross at 7. I see Gabe's foot on the line but Aidan's chest is ahead. Need a side view with I higher frame rate to be certain.

  10. If it's that important ask the boys. They know in their hearts who won. It's the last three meets of the year that really matter!

  11. These two may not race again this year. Terrific effort by both - makes the sport great to watch and is why all of the preseason rankings get blown away once the season starts. They are both dedicated and talented runners. Impressive season opener for both Goltra and Arias-Sheridan.

  12. Great finish. Thanks Albert!

  13. All I can say is that from watching Aidan and Gabe compete the last few years, I will take either of them on my team any day of the week and twice on Sunday (if legal...ha!). Two great competitors. They will represent NorCal well this season in their respective divisions.

  14. Yep, Gabe won - :07 in the video if you stop it carefully. His foot is way over before Aidan gets there. Doesn't change anything team results-wise, but individually it is nice to get it right.

  15. ^
    Unless you were there...


  16. The Chest is what counts not the foot.

  17. got the lean and the foot. hank, i was there.

  18. Albert - the picture that is posted is not indicative of the finish line. If you look at the photo from the finisher line it is clear that Gabe won it with both the lean and the foot crossing first. Great race and too bad no more head to heads.

  19. @ 8:19
    Then who are you?


  20. In cross country is it foot or chest? Track is chest.

  21. Torso for both sports although with timers using chips now...

  22. Hank/Albert - NCS and CIF use chips but don't they determine place by torso (via camera)?

  23. Don't know about NCS but I do know that Sean (who times States) sets up a camera at the finish and on close finishes he goes to the camera to determine the winner.


  24. Thanks Hank. It was a pleasure meeting you @ Ed Sias. I was working the chute....

  25. At NCS, Sean does use chips and he does have his camera up as well in case he needs to go back and look at something at the finish line. In case of close finishes, an official is at the line making those calls.

  26. Hahahahahahahaha. This is to funny. Its only the first real race of the season. Calm down everyone. If you want to talk about who the best runner was it was hurlock. A solo effort and beat both of these runners by over 10 seconds.
