Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Replace Kezar Track with One That Meets Today's Standards


  1. I have a friend who claims he watched with his Dad the 49'ers play at Kezar when he was a kid. Could be the track is just a little bit in need of upgrade.

  2. That is correct that the 49ers did at one time play at Kezar. The track was installed in 1991 as the article mentioned and it is incredibly fast. It is a great facility that is used by many teams, schools and individuals but desperately needs a new track.

  3. Ok, I signed the petition!

  4. So, who pays for it?

  5. I lived in S.F. In the late 60's to the late 70's and used play in Golden Gate park wich was my backyard. You could always tell when the 49er's scored as there was a roar that at times was deafning !

  6. I completely agree that the track should be replaced. Im a senior in high school who competes in the BCL East and last year I fell on the hurdles and messed up my knee. Due to the abnormally hard surface of the track, my knee has yet to make a full recovery (even though I am competing this year). I was out for the entire season. Most tracks I would have been fine, but Kezar is just too old. I understand the history, but I really do not want others athletic careers put in jeopardy because of history.
