Wednesday, September 05, 2012

CCS Rankings by Hank Lawson of

If you are interested in contributing to the Mercury News CCS Top 15 Balloting rankings posted on, email Hank Lawson at  Deadline is Monday evenings, 6pm.  Send in your rankings starting on September 10th or if you are super eager, you may also do so before that date.  What he needs is your top 15 boys and girls teams.

Here are the CCS rankings that were posted on July 2nd:

And the following is Walt VanZant's comprehensive CCS rankings that were posted on July 7th:


  1. These rankings are never right. More like who is most over rated!!! Who's in the good old boys club to get the votes. Haha!

    Walt's are usually spot on give or take a surprise or two.

  2. Feel free to vote. The more voters, the better chance for accuracy when it comes to what Hank posts.

    As for Walt's rankings, I am always amazed at the time and effort that goes into putting those together.

  3. Yes, please vote.

