Saturday, April 14, 2012

Serra Top 7 Invitational Results


  1. Here is a video of the girls JV 3200m run from yesterday's Serra Top 7 event.

    2012 Serra Top 7 Girls JV 3200m

    What is galling about this video is at the 8:40 mark, a runner goes down and crawls off the track. There are about 4 adults, and 4 students bystanders nearby. One shows some concern, but the rest are oblivious to the situation, and made no effort to check on her. Help is coming from a man running across the track, and two of her teammates rushing to the scene from about 30 yards away. I don't know much about rules in track events. Is there a rule against helping a down runner, or even checking on her condition? Or is this simply another evidence of lack of humanity in today's society?

  2. That was my runner that went down in that race. Her calf cramped up during the race which is the reason why she hobbled to the infield.

    I would like to publicly thank the Bellarmine sprint coach who did come to the aid of my athlete and stayed with her until the trainer arrived.
