Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Harra Marra to be inducted into the SFSU Hall of Fame

I was fortunate to attend San Francisco State University while Harry Marra was the head Track and Field/Cross Country coach and was his track and field manager. I had no idea what an education I would get in coaching from one of the best technical coaches in the United States. While I was a distance runner in high school, I was able to learn about ALL the events from Harry and apply what I learned to starting the track and field team at Crystal Springs Uplands in 2002.

Harry is now focusing his efforts in the decathlon with one of the top decathletes, Paul Terek. The hall of fame election is a well deserved recognition for a great coach.

To read more about Harry and his athlete and one of his articles, check out the following link:
Hall of Fame (Scroll down)

Paul Terek profile

Strength Training For Speed Development

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